
Is gut check a new thing, if so I love it! It works even better then kotakus old review system (which I loved), which was delegating the pros and cons of a game and highlighting in blue and red. I like the delivery of the yes or no too! Really great, you could probably do away with your current review and replace it

I think the only reason anyone would start up a wii nowadays is for the new zelda (excited for it, even though I sold my wii 2 years ago). I havent heard much on xenoblade, except that its pretty good.

The majority of those wiis are currently on top of someones tv, missing the covers to the control/memory card slots, and have no wires plugged into them (those are a jumbled mess somewhere near the tv, or in a box somewhere).

Same here. Not enough with elena; they left that plot wide open.

I thought the same thing, but just wait until the end. Youll be left unfulfilled on an overall level

I got it monday because of the amc event I went to. I beat it in 8 hours on normal, crushing isnt hard so far. And I didnt play it straight through

After playing and beating uncharted 3, I cant help but say uncharted 2 is a better game. I hate to be the one to say it, but its very true (in my honest opinion). Thats not to say its a bad game, its just not as awe inspiring as uncharted 2 was. I think I let the hype train get the better of me on this one

So yeah, Kirk Hamiltons name sounds like guitatist from metallica Kirk Hammetts name. Joke now more appropriate due to this article

Thats me, the game came in the mail today... MWUAHAHA!!!

I didnt know this guy was writing for kotaku

YES, YES, YES!!! Ive only been pestering kotaku about this gameclub for the past 3 months... Its going to be amazing. Just make sure you ban hammer the shit out of any would be spoilers. I really want this to be a pure experience.

Graphic cards are always the problem with "future" proofing a rig. Only now are we seeing games that require quad core processors for recommended, while the recommendation for graphics is constantly changing. I hope sandy bridges leads the way in streamlining processors that take on graphical tasks as well, since it

Your a saint for waiting that long. I can barely wait for the reviews that are coming out tomorrow, let alone the game itself

My super secret connections to sony

Uncharted 3 comes in the mail for me this tuesday. Gonna beat that shit straight through, then platinum it

Now that would be a smug ass boss

Team Fortress, more like Steam Fortress!!! AMIRIGHT?!?!?!?!

Bad call

Thats my opinion as well, but I gotta give the xbox something

Not at all, 360 controller was designed with fps's in mind. ps3 is far superior when it comes to 3rd person action games