
Everyone always forgets aa. 360 has mad jaggies

Yeah, rock band was just as big as guitar hero, and dance central seems to be one of the go to kinect games.

Tem ditties

I cant even wait another week, let alone the time it will take to get the game of the year edition out. You, sir, are a saint

My bad, kotakus only been saying ios in the headers. Probably because their related to jizmodo

Not really, since this hasnt even been anounced for dual core androids

Its called rounding

Did anyone care enough for him to feel he needed to resign?

That has nothing to do with the game

I mean, 500,000 copies in less than a month isnt gears of war or uncharted good, but it basically means its life sales will reach 1,000,000, which is always a profit turner (especially since they didnt advertise the game that much)

I’m going to go ahead and guess this is why uncharted 3 is releasing November 1st instead of an earlier date. Why would this be you ask? resistance 3 was a testing bed to see whether or not the PSN pass is a viable option for the company’s future. Making this decision now means they were waiting on resistance 3's

Someone needs to confirm whether or not uncharted 3 will get a game club... I mean, the last game in the series did win kotaku's "game of the year" award. I can only see its happening as appropriate.

It even looks good off-screen. What the hell is going to be played on an actual tv (something beautiful... A masterpiece). To think I get to see this game played on a theater screen (amc event). So. Fucking. Pumped

This is my fanboy coming out. Its just that im so excited to go the amc event on october 19

Sony's way better with piracy than microsoft or nintendo. Thats why they went on a witch hunt for the guys who cracked the ps3's code (and succeeded, albeit coming off as assholes in the process).

The 60 dollar version is way better. You get to go to the event and get the game shipped to your house a week before official release (the game is 60 bucks anyway... Its a goddamn steal)

Just bought my ticket for the nyc showing. So goddamn excited. In my opinion, 15 bucks for a train ticket and another 60 bucks to play one of the best games coming out on a big screen + getting said game a week before release date is a freaking steal. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!

1: Do you know what ctrl+f is? Do it, then type in the word "fanboy". You'll see that the only consoles I hated on were the wii and 3ds in this post.

clay? Is that whats up my ass?