
Wait, netflix is free with gold?

Does anyone know what the badges are for? I just got the community pillar one, plus 2 others

People need to get used to the fact that the video game industry is extremely cut throat; most of the time its high risk with little reward for publishers because games can cost a lot to make and wont make back a suitable profit.

So november?

Tell that asshat to cut his hair and lose the fucking soulpatch

Not game related, but alien anthology on blu ray is 30 bucks on amazon. If you had doubts about spending a lot of money on 2 great movies, one okay, and one terrible, this deal maybe be a sign. Note: It was a daily deal, so it probably ends soon

I sincerely apologize then. Its not everyday you hear a person say they've been raped multiple times by different people

rape doesn't have to have a sexual connotation. You ever listen to nirvana?

Saying you've been raped so loosely, even with the context (which was poorly delivered), is waves more disrespectful than saying "you got raped" to someone.

Too bad we'll never know if it played well or not

I haven't read the other comments that are probably scolding you, but what the fuck man?

If rockstar proved anything with rdr, it's that they can put great shooting in an open world game. Have faith my friend (though, max payne 3 was an improvement on even rdr's shooting.)

I'm sorry, 4/5's of this article is stupid, the other one just makes sense for gaming in general (I'm talking about number 4). Games should progress naturally; developers need to stop ripping pages from other games' books so bluntly. The funniest one had to be wishing GTA had shoot dodge

This article is very stupid

I just renewed mine yesterday, and they asked if I wanted print or digital, so I think we're all good

Like skyrim, I feel this game has been tainted by the reddit community...

I feel its an interesting discussion to have. People need to stop getting so god damn emotional about it


Also, to make things funny, I got TL2 for free from trading my CS: GO beta key.... OOOOPS. But yeah, it still is more deserving than dillablo 3

Please turn my logic into a thing on this site. That would be awesome!