
It may seem weird, but this is pretty cool. Id prefer this over glasses

@Stevenson: They already do that by making all their dlc free on pc

@DaFron: You wont be disappointed

@DaFron: You wont be disappointed

When my ps3 broke, I stopped gaming for a month (until I fixed it, yes I). The biggest was probably when I couldnt take the grinding nonsense of my ps2 (I forgot what the term was, but it couldnt play games for shit and made that soul destroying grind that me and my sister called "the Yeti"). It was, I think, a year

@DaFron: Have you played both of them? If so I respect your opinion, but if not GET OUTTA HERE!! (Also, rdr's ending is what made it my game of the year. The houser brothers are the coens of the game industry).

@Bon3zz1001: Also, my opinion is all non-biased. I played both me1 and 2 on pc and will troll anyone who says xbox or ps3 offers a better experience.

@Bon3zz1001: Bullshit, watch Ign's in motion comparison.

I seriously dont understand the appeal of The Illusive Man. Pales in comparison to The G-Man. Still, Mass Effect 2 is a great game (not RDR great, but still).

Eh, Clay Dukes more legit

@IcoSotc: To tell you the truth, Ive never seen a drive for under $150 (which is around £100). If your ps3 wont read discs, your better off just replacing the laser. You can get that for £55 to £65, and it doesnt involve soldering (when I say laser, I mean an entirely new laser bracket with a new laser, which is why

Thats a heavy amount of cut scenes. There really raining it on us.

@IcoSotc: My ps3 laser broke. Fixing it was pretty easy, so swapping out the blu ray drive should be even easier.

@ninjablaze: The pc version is about 11, and thats without dlc.

But what about Uranus?

Who knows, maybe it will turn out to be a big ol' pile of dog feces, as opposed to a steaming pile of regular old human diarrhea. At the end of the day, isn't that what we should all be hoping for?

@dgkz0idberg: I can play crysis on all high with a mid level graphics card (330m, which came out a year or so ago) and a dual core. I wouldnt say it goes out that quickly. And the reason the ps3 seems to look better is because of art direction. All console exclusive company's take art direction way more serious then

@dgkz0idberg: Theres nothing immensely demanding nowadays (unless, however, your're speaking of crysis, which is an unnecessary addition to the fps genre).

Unless it can give me uncharted 3 sooner, I'll continue not caring