
@dgkz0idberg: Its not uncomfortable. Yes, holding a controller is a bit more comfy, but the precision and the ability to keybind in almost every game makes up for it (oh and it has twice as many buttons, thats why console rts's/mmorpgs's suck)

The first 2 sentences of this article reminded me of how much I hate people who dislike keyboard gaming. In my opinion, its way more comfortable, and a shit load more precise.

I should be writing a paper, but I'll entertain this for the time being.

The Room. Nuff said

So yeah, Mass Effect 2 is pretty fuckin good (pc version)

what about 2001?

Damnit, I should have bought amnesia when it was on sale on steam (7bucks). I heard its one of the greatest atmospheric horror games of all time.

@The MSJ: I tried to reply to avprox777's last post, but it wouldnt go through. If it did,it would have read "(shakes hand, ends trolling brigade)". I sometimes go on the internet and troll (it's way better than real life trolling), but since it only happens rarely, I dont consider it a problem. I really dont care

@darkboy1200: Thats why his last name is jones, so he can create a name for himself (which he has done in spades, mostly with moon).

@avprox777: A first person shooter versus a 3rd person cover shooter is more viable than a 3rd person cover shooter versus another 3rd person cover shooter? Well derp to you sir.

@J.Bourne: But what about the xbots. They'll be sad that they lost their commander and chief (and realize their poor investment)

@dmc666: Hilary Goldstein is, by far, the biggest xbox fanboy of all time. Seems thats changed

@DanBroChill: Most of the people who play it are assholes (I have 2 friends who play it, ones a bearable douche, the other is a troll douche)

@M0squ1t0: I got them mostly because I got a great computer for christmas. I havent used my ps3 in weeks (and im not looking back)

@dmc666: Oh yeah, and minecraft