Is giving Marvel Snap what?
Meanwhile the rest of the current player base is actually thankful for these changes which will:
This isn’t free to play grind bullshit as much as it is, “we want you to learn this game and its mechanics before jumping into games with other people who very much know what they’re doing”
This article is very clearly not trying to say that no women use sex to draw in viewers, as evidenced by the last paragraph in which they talk to a streamer who blatantly and openly admits to doing so. The point of the article is that people assume that this is the ONLY business model that any woman who streams, ever,…
Kotaku has a long history of covering speedrunning. It would be fairly easy to search the site for those past articles, or click on the “speedrunning” tag attached to this one to get to them as well.
Has ANY WWII videogame focused on the Italian campaign? Seriously! Your player character could be from the 442nd Infantry, which was made up almost entirely of Japanese Americans. It was the most highly decorated unit in US military history, earning 21 Medals of Honor and over 9,000 Purple Hearts in a unit of only…
There’s a whole lot more crud waiting for you once you start playing.
I assume many gaters and pol types are trying to link Kotaku to this, to poison the well and drive people away from this site as well. It’s a very old conservative tactic, really.
It’s a bit frustrating to see people accusing me of trying to protect Malka when I’ve spent half my weekend on this story, while traveling to and from Las Vegas for a book festival at that. (I just helped edit this article from the airport and am actually on the plane right now.) Needless to say, I did not and would…
The influential gaming forum NeoGAF is imploding in the wake of an accusation of sexual misconduct against the…
Good thing this is “Kotaku” and not “Things That Tekton Cares About”.
THE STATE OF THE ART (for clarification)
Yeah, these social darwinist edgelords have nothing to do with the BAMF fighting for others’ freedom at the Satanic Temple.
I’d advise also checking out The Satanic Temple, as their philosophical view differs greatly from the CoS. It’s hard to disagree with a lot of the TST tenets as well.
Miiverse ‘twas the only “social media” I partook in. (Besides Kotaku ;D)
I actually compete at Smash monthly. And I enjoy how seriously you are taking this very, very serious list. Have a great day, IceSprite!
And, of course, the Orthodox Fundamentalist Faction of the Nintendo Faithful are out in force, defending this, already.
I don’t see anything in this article about these characters being undocumented. Do you have info about this game that wasn’t included in this piece? Or do you just see the word “immigrant” and jump right to “illegal?”