DL Thurston

So do adults, tbh. The idea that work should always come first and you have to be on death’s doorstep to call out is so gross. Even when people are sick, there’s a whole “culture of sickness” that pressures people to a) apologize for being sick, b) be sick for a short a time as possible and c) find a way to work

...it’s even more upsetting for plumbers.

“The objective fact is I believe”

I grew up drinking egg nog mixed with 7-up or Sprite. It’s the best.

You know, it would be a hell of a thing if everyone that flouted COVID restrictions on social media were fined according to their income.

They sent Tiffany.

So, what did you have for dinner? I fried fish, and I don’t fry stuff often. 

wives were expected to obey their husband’s wishes in all matters

WHAT is this bullshit? One of those “withered husks” is our only barrier to a straight-up fascist country that accelerates climate change and puts many of our neighbors and friends at risk of....almost anything. There is no equivalency here. Shitposting like this is harmful. 

you can pretty much improve on his food by going to a good butcher and buying a clip-on ponytail.

FALSE! The entire VEHICLE was made of 5G-powered MS-13 pedophile chihuahuas, all glued together in a cunning disguise! Do your research!

Given the lopsided incarceration rates it’s not a wash. Especially in Florida, which is worse than the national average.

I would not support taking up a potential Supreme Court vacancy this close to the election” is also not the same thing as “I will not vote for confirmation.”

Bluey’s dad is my hero, and everything I aspire to be as a father.

  • Pompeii: Secrets of the DeadUltimate Viking Sword

This is some pretty obvious trolling that was rightfully smacked down. It’s also worth considering that there probably is a section of the reich-wing that trusts more in the fascist movement than the personality of Donald Trump. If we manage to get Biden over the line, these are the people to keep an eye on, lest we

Why do I get the feeling this was just an attempt to poison the well by Spencer?  The right’s whole thing these last few years has been blatant trolling, and this just feels like a particularly hamfisted attempt.

The thing is, if Trump were just a little less incompetent, had a little more self-control, and were able to even feign a hint of normal human empathy, we’d already be well on our way to an authoritarian dictatorship. That there is even a reasonable chance that Trump will be booted out of office after just four years

Race, and racism - explicit and hidden - is a part of everything. Including automotive culture. If you can’t see that, or don’t want to believe that, you’re a part of the problem

Republican politicians and pundits once again shocked to discover the Republican Party is full of Republicans.