
They should also factor in your desire to have sex during this trip. The more likely, the higher the ratio. Most engineers and programmers only need a pair a week.

Another big contender is Picaridin based products which have been on the North American market for less than 10 years (but Europe for a while) and has been shown to be very effective

I'm pretty sure you can just go online and change the vehicle information on the EZ-Pass website when you get your rental car, and then just change it back when you get home

This is incorrect - I drive on Illinois's I-Pass roads all the time with my New York E-ZPass. You can also use Illinois's I-Pass on any E-ZPass lane, as the article states.

This only really applies to generic business jargon. Industry-specific jargon can be quite useful and important. Good luck making it at a newspaper if you don't know what "ROP" means, for example.

Good tip. Funny, your Cover Letter actually used to BE the correspondence that you sent to prospective employers. Why not just make it your email and be done with it.

For the record, I think the "half hour" figure is more of a relative number than anything. Farmer's markets around here are pretty small, though, and I barely even spend 30 minutes there total.

You do realise that the chat window can now be pushed all the way up to cover the news feed right? Click the the top border of the chat panel and drag it up. Voila! News feed hidden.

This is a huge invasion of privacy. "Creepy" and "invasive" are definitely the right words to use for this. After all, there was no way to do this up until now. THANKS FACEBOOK.

To make one 911 prank call? Seems like a big waste of money.

This. The omnibox in Chrome does all the work for you.

I don't think RSS was ever promoted or explained very well. That may be its biggest crippler.

Yeah, the habits I find impossible to start are the ones you're not supposed to do every day, like weight lifting. And push-ups are in that category. I thought it was supposed to be bad for your muscles to work them hard like that every day? On the other hand, what about people who do manual labor for a living? Those

It is, if you're in the bedroom.

Luxury brands appeal to consumers by selling them an image of what they'd like to be. The salesperson doesn't think you fit the image. Now you absolutely have to have it! You'll show them! And you'll feel awesome about it until halfway during the drive home you realize you just spent $500 on a pair of socks.

There's also the risk of them automatically accepting new permissions. My dad was one of the many people using that flashlight app that had a bunch of permissions meant to mine people's info for marketing.

A lot of people wear something and toss it into the dirty clothes. Depending on your personal hygiene, this is absolutely not necessary. If your clothes are not dirty or smelly, they simply don't need to be washed. And if you have an item of clothing that only needs some minor cleaning, you CAN wash it by hand and

Those three or four pieces of mail, seven or eight emails, really add up when you're on multiple donor lists—and lists for charities you haven't even signed up to support, simply because your info has been sold to them. The phone calls are the most invasive.

I like to write responses to trolls then hit cancel. It tricks my mind into thinking I had the last word.