
This one is STILL going around my parents’ circle of friends along with “we’ll be fine if everyone practices normal healthy habits” comments.

Stocks aren’t a good place to put money that you might need soon. If you’re heading into retirement, a major chunk of your portfolio should be in less volatile assets like bonds that can be sold to cover month-to-month expenses without losing money during a crash.

Speaking of handouts . . .

I always set mine to autopay the “statement balance”. This means that I know the exact amount a couple of weeks in advance, which is plenty of time to move money around or cancel payment.

Every credit card I’ve seen has a grace period of a few weeks between the closing date and due date, I think it’s even required by law. This is plenty of time to look over your statement and cancel the auto pay if something’s hinky.

Did you by chance set it up as a “speaker pair” instead of a group?

Sure, not everyone is at the same risk level for irritation or STDs, but what’s the purpose of using nonoxynol-9 if it doesn’t reduce the chance of pregnancy?

Actually, giving someone else’s toddler something messy to play with is a GREAT way to ensure they went be allowed within 10 feet of you . . .

These things have gotta have a mile-long EULA. Did the dealer agree to remote auditing and removal of software?

That photo is from Dubai, no?

Building a budget on net worth instead of monthly income is a great way to blow through your savings.

Some of these are 3G devices that will lose network access in the near future anyway.

The bit about energy staying inside the surge protector sounds like it might have been an awkward and non-technical way of saying that it doesn’t go past the protector. If the author really thought that it stored surges like a battery, they wouldn’t have phrased it that way.

In other words you could over-contribute just to get the 401K match and then use early withdraw to reallocate to emergency fund, paying off debt, etc?

Counterpoint: Audiophiles buy headphones based on how they think they sound, which is not always in line with how they actually sound.

I happily use LastPass, but I can imagine a scenario where the software is rewritten to send plain text passwords back to the company after being unencrypted on your device.

If you’re not salaried and your employer uses the excuse that you’ll make up that hour in the spring:

My high school offered some excellent personal finance/general adulting classes, but they were all geared toward Career Path (i.e. not going to college) students. I guess they assumed that people would somehow learn this stuff in college?

It seems to work well for flights, except for that one time when I nearly missed a flight because it was rescheduled and Google failed to update my calendar . . .

Step 1: Open Venmo accounts for Phteven, Micheal and Dwigt