
Take a look under the sink, many PVC S-bends are held together with simple threaded collars that are easy to take apart by hand or with a big pair of channel-lock pliers. Not sure what the situation is in India, but US hardware stores carry replacement kits in case you break one of the pieces. This would also be a

Take a look under the sink, many PVC S-bends are held together with simple threaded collars that are easy to take

Clean person with messy roommates?

Clean person with messy roommates?

This particular scam sounds a lot more sophisticated than your average “this is your bank . . .” cold call. If they kow which bank you use, they must have a list of customers which could be anything from professional-level marketing data to people who follow the bank on Facebook.

If you were sunbathing on the deck of a boat a mile from shore or standing behind a 20th-floor window, you might have an expectation of privacy despite being within the line of sight of public spaces. A shot of the skyline or overall building taken with a phone or wide angle lens wouldn’t capture enough detail to

You must be fun at parties.

The recycling symbol doesn’t mean that something is recyclable. It just tells you what type of plastic it is (#1-#7) so that the consumer or recycling facility can tell whether or not it is accepted in your area.

Yeah, but they’ll get you with the corkage fee.

roll that whole thing into the walk-in and hope Chad doesn’t take initiative to clean the bathrooms for once

Just to be clear, the feature only allows law enforcement to request video from Ring during an “active investigation”. Device owners in the area decide what, if any, footage they would like to share.

The more basic “unlimited” plans are usually limited to 720p or even 480p streaming. I'm not sure how they implement that restriction, but throttling video apps would be one way to do it.

Most credit card providers also let you request a Credit Limit Increase online. Keep in mind that they might pull your credit report if you’re close to the limit for your income level (they’ll ask permission first) which can ding your credit score.

Does any of this affect the functionality of the card or are they just worried about the normal wear-and-tear that happens to all credit cards?

I’m not sure why your coworkers would have taken a massive hit unless they (or the person managing their account) sold when the market was low.

I was thrown by that at first, but the “x” in that column just means that it’s a legitimate reason for the landlord to enter the unit. The “Amount of Notice Required” column only applies to non-emergencies.

Ah, the classic Clog and Jog

That would be a $500 solution to a $2 problem.

The trick is to discourage would-be thieves. Make a game out of it with a few of your regulars: As one of them walks out the door, an alarm goes off and the manager rushes over. “Is that a salt shaker in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” The red-faced regular sheepishly hands over a ceramic lighthouse as

I did Google it. After you scroll past all of the commercial entities offering “service dog registration” services, you’ll find the official ADA site which confirms that “There are individuals and organizations that sell service animal certification or registration documents online. These documents do not convey any

Service dogs do not actually require documentation; there’s no official certification or licensing process.

Actually, you are not required to produce documentation for a service dog. There is no official “service dog registry” or licensing program.