Dothraki Leadership - Fired!

OK my dinosaur-extinction asteroid smashes your Death Star.

It’s worth mentioning that today’s Indycars came out of the split between CART and IRL - with IRL offering a lower-cost alternative racing series to CART, which eventually went under, anyway.

Can’t decide whether the headline would be:

Didn’t remember Tom Cruise yelling Arresto Momentum until just now

Absolutely not. Completely against ANY kind of texting between bathrooms.

Hopefully this will put the “burn more calories than you consume” marketing campaign to rest. Can’t wait to see 20-ounce soda bottles labeled as 200% of the daily recommended sugar intake...

That is objectively better than what I had before and therefore, pro-consumer.

Nah, probably “Harder” (I think that might have been a different movie)

If you were at the Verizon meeting, you signed an NDA, and you shouldn’t disclose the details of the ritual, er, meeting minutes, in public.

Sometimes, the ideas can be good for consumers.

Not you - that’s a quote from the article.

T-Mobile sees the plan as pro-consumer

Scientists Create Artifical Artificial Life...

Thank you - came here to say that.

Why do you guys insist on Adobe Flash videos?

don’t know if I got it, got offy on it a little bit, though

Facts are not for everyone