“people can really only really pay attention to a couple of things at a time.”
“people can really only really pay attention to a couple of things at a time.”
With all due respect, can we stop with this “changing the narrative” shit? Healthcare, Russian collusion, and everything else isn’t going anywhere. Other stories regarding this administration’s stupidity might be “trending” (ugh) certain days and times, but that doesn’t mean that we’ve forgotten everything else that’s…
They also have an Amazon wish list to replace lost items.
You can donate directly from their website like I did. Paypal/debit/credit cards.
“The Pentagon had no idea that Trump was going to drop a blanket ban on transgender people serving in the military on Wednesday morning.”
Maybe if he removed both feet from his mouth.
And we all know how “disruption” was used as a rationale for not integrating the military.
this is the way your service ends - not with a bang, but with a twitter.
The funniest thing about this is that Trump thinks he can change policy for the entire military by just tweeting “I hereby decree . . .” He told basically no one before he did it. He has a toddler’s view of his job.
Beth, could you next do a Lifehack article on how you can actually scroll right past an article on ANY site and not read it if it doesn’t interest you? Might be useful for some?
It helps readers understand a news item that is significant in their lives.
By this logic then we should be going after soldiers who are diabetics, smokers, heavy drinkers, have VD, and have long-term (but manageable) conditions.
No, it would not. The military supports its members’ medical expenses because that’s how you take care of your people, and how you ensure that you are not ruling out good recruits for stupid reasons.
The only reason its a brief history is because it doesn’t look good on white asshole cops to admit to killing/raping/etc. white women. It doesn’t mean it has only been recent. Minorities are a target no matter what or who they are. Because power is about power. It only cares on how its grouped and how thin the hair…
It’s the worst, just the worst. I hate passive voice bullshit in reports of police shooting people anyway, but this reads like they’re trying to get some kind of award for “most disconnected from police actions” framing.
Damn, those street signs were on point. If loud noises catapult you into a blind sense of self preservation requiring you to shoot anything that moves, perhaps being a cop is the wrong line of work.
Important to remember that it is considered “probable cause” under current law* to do this “within 100 miles of the border” and the “equivalent locations” such as international airports. So this applies not only to all the people who live within 100 miles of the physical border, but theoretically also anyone who lives…
Note to waffling GOP Senators: Be more afraid of the rest of us than the base. No matter what they like to tell themselves, there are FAR more of us than them, and you will find out just what a fluke Nov. 2016 really was.
The miscreant that is Trump will not respond at all. Watch.