
valid and effective are two different things

Until people realize that “whataboutism” is a logical fallacy and therefore not a valid form of argumentation and debate [read: never].

Yep, that was my first thought


do we know what ideology these “trafficking victims” subscribe to? i have reported extensively on the threat of Black Muslims, but America is still in the dark about the danger of Mexican Muslims. warning: graphic imagery ahead.

“Fortunately, we came across this one”

For real! A person who hates on an ice cream truck seriously has issues. That’s like hating puppies and rainbows.

Wow that person is trying to start shit with you so they could tell you about how they were involved the Dallas Police Chief. All of that fucking nonsense so they could be like “ACTIVIST HERE REPORTING FOR DUTY AND HERE TO TELL BLACK PEOPLE ABOUT MY OCCUPATION OF THEIR SPACE”

No, I assume the readers of Jalopink who come here to complain that people aren’t being nice enough to white people are dumb ass agents of white supremacy. That does not require actually being white. They literally contribute nothing otherwise.

Outside leaks can’t melt steel beams

Watergate took YEARS. Mueller’s been on the case for a few months. Give him time. And even if Trump fires him, someone else will come in and pick up the slack. There’s blood in the water and everyone knows it.

Would they say “will return” if it’s for something like a flashback? That’d be about the only tolerable reason.

The outlet also reports that Chris Pine, aka The Good Chris, will return as Steve Trevor, which will be challenging since [SPOILER] he almost definitely died a fiery death in the original.

The Kremlin (or the FBI or CIA) doesn’t need to undermine Trump. Trump has walked roughshod over everyone he knows, demeaning them, screwing them over, bullying them. He surrounds himself with no-nothing, incompetent sycophants who tell him what he wants to hear. His staff and family and “friends” hate him enough


Not that his lawyers would have made a difference. Criminals ignore their lawyers all the time and crap executives ignore their lawyers and public relations people all the time. [I do public relations, so I deal with these kinds of people on occasion, as does my wife, a corporate lawyer.]

Oh, you just know he thought of Sessions as one of the “good ole boys” (which, in all fairness, he is) who would use his office as a shield for him. He’s just so unaware of, well anything really, that he didn’t take into account that public scrutiny and the law would force Sessions to recuse himself.

Maybe if he just told Trump where the cookies were Trump would like him again.

Sessions certainly had every reason to recuse himself: he was caught lying about whether he had any contact with Russian officials during the time he was an advisor to Trump’s campaign. Sessions did meet with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak twice, despite saying he had not met with any Russian officials during

Ummmm isn’t his saying that he wanted an AG that wouldn’t recuse himself an admission that he wanted to interfere with any Russian investigation?