
Fun fact: Nematodes (the phylum this worm belongs to, which includes familiar species like pinworms and hookworms), constitute ~80% of individual animals on earth. They exist in every ecosystem from the arctic to the tropics to the bottom of the ocean.

It’s a diversion tactic. We’re going after media moguls, they know how short our collective attention span is.

Terry Crews and Dwayne Johnson dammit. Crews for sure, Johnson is more hopes and potential.
But honestly, I don’t really feel like making a bad joke then authentically apologizing ruins Momoa’s baeness

Jason Momoa has always been largely into masculine behaviors and ideology. He’s a fucking sweetheart, but crude, offcolor jokes have always been in his wheelhouse.
This is really more of a “Oh... yeah he’s not perfect” moment than “Oh fuck, he’s a disgusting pig!” The fact he was a younger man when he said it, trying

Right? I did most of my growing up in the ‘80s and I remember asking why I couldn’t join the Boy Scouts and debating with my dad about women doing whatever job they had the ability and desire to do!

This is the “outrage fatigue” that I hear a lot of people talking about (and that I’m definitely feeling myself). This is not even remotely close to the first time that this site or other allegedly progressive communities have brought up shit said over half a decade ago and used it to gloat and say “See?! They’re

I am starting to question why I’m seeing this non-story splashed all over the place. Is there a reason why someone wants to pretend that this beautiful brown man’s six year old, already-apologized-for rape joke is comparable to old ugly white guys harassing and raping women left and right?

6 years ago was NOT “a different world” compared to now! In fact, that whole “joking about rape is not funny” debate was already in full swing!

I’ve always thought that was a strange defense. Like “oh, he’s not really gonna do this” or “he doesn’t mean that” or “sure he said that but what he actually meant was...”. Like, if your basis for supporting that guy is that he doesn’t actually mean what he’s saying, shouldn’t you be supporting the people who aren’t sa

He’s gaslighting you. Trump is a man who has sexually assaulted dozens of women. I would leave.

That’s terrible. I’m so sorry. It’s really, really painful when someone you love changes like that, especially in your case, because it sounds like he’s telling you that you aren’t perceiving things correctly. Sending you positivite thoughts.

True. Sorry, I am kind of highjacking this thread. My husband of 20 years and I ave been fighting for the first time about our government. He thinks I can’t trust when our POTUS tweets and the appears on Hanity, on video. He thinks I may take it out of context. I am an executive in my company, I’m not stupid. If I

Um? he did apologize...six years ago when the joke was made and seemed to have learned from it.

To repeat an earlier comment on the subject:

Ooh, that would be at least 2 full days of work lost to watching Twitter and reading think pieces.

I really hope she beefs with Beyoncé at some point so Twitter is nothing but venomous bees and snakes. Like Australia.


Here’s the Lennon/McCartney translation:

Yeah, I was wondering about that too. Maybe they weren’t that close and so the family was used to kinda falling in and out of touch? Glad they called and check was done.