
Affiliate marketing. Look into it.

Thank you. I don’t understand why so many people are ok with this. There are reasons we have laws and encouraging people (and cities) not follow the law is just messed up. Illegal immigrants drain our resources. When employers employ illegal immigrants it sets up an environment where the employer can get away with

But... would any agreement or paperwork created... be legally recognized? Also, if you say allow the kids to stay with another relative... you have to be extra careful about that... because anyone that’s named will be put under a microscope.

How about the whole family stays together and they all go back to their own country?

Man I hope you don’t “teach” anything anywhere to anyone. Your logic is worse than a 2 year old learning to speak. And then they label the republicans as dumb (and yes, there’s a shitton of dumb republicans, but you’re definitely a shining star in the democrat/liberal crowd).

I knew you were going to be bobarded by ultra liberal crap, so I’m just here to star you anyway.

The fact that this got so many stars is disgusting and speaks to the ignorance of the left and their fucking praise for illegal activities. They’re invasive species that need to go back to the shithole they made. Fuck you and thinking they have a right to be here. There’s a long tedious and expensive process to gain

Because living here Illegally is a act of nature, you just wake up one day and bam! you are here with literally no effort put in on your part...

Step one: Don’t live here illegally.

Coddled? I delivered meals to a vet who lost one of his arms, and suffered horribly from PTSD. The many elderly who I delivered meals to we’re living below the poverty level, had no transportation and most had no family, either living nearby or living at all.