
SI Swimsuit Issue

You are quite a racist idiot. It appears your friends, the Clinton’s kill only whites, usually lawyers or some of Bill’s old girlfriends.Trump has killed no one, never will, unless they are here to kill Americans, of any color.

I have no doubt that wage gap is a reality in some careers, but not all. Also, some of the examples given are not 100% without reason. You would think if a position has a Job Description, usually also has a pay scale for that Job Code, it would be easy to determining discrimination, should also be an easy to fix.

Planning and then entering another country is illegal, premeditated, a crime. Cancer is not. Wow. 

So you are not an American citizen. So you don’t think that sneaking across the border into another country isn’t illegal, or doesn’t make you someone that is living in America illegally. Mexico has very tight controls for people coming into Mexico, immediately placed in jail and limited ability to obtain an attorney.

It sounds more like she was very wise and has a better understanding of liberty than do you. It is funded by the state not the feds. I feel it will continue to be funded by the states by wisely chosen appropriate programs to fund with their state dollars, private sector financing and donations, of which republicans

Meals on wheels is handled by the state and they can decide to continue it, which I think they will and I think they will get private sector as well as donations to keep it. So there is NO line item, and never was, in the budget for Meals On Wheels. It was always a state item.

I have been trying to get mine exchanged, called Verizon, they sent me to Samsung, they sent me back to Verizon. They asked my what was wrong with the phone and that I had to pay the deductible to get a new one. So Samsung and Verizon, once figure out what’s going on and let the Note 7 owners, know. Then make the