
Raymond’s video meetings are worthless, and include nothing more than Raymond describing the action in the video

Another Trotzky another victim of a removal from history. Odd that this time the Capitalists were behind the efforts. 

MAHMOUD A: Skip, I want to ADDRESS this issue.

Initial reports have PacMan avoiding the confrontation, grabbing something to eat, and then seeking out his attacker.

Actually that’s two birds, because as the old phrase goes a “bird in the hand is worth two in the bush leagues.”

Christians are, by definition, AD not BC.

Bartolo Colon nearly ruined his career with fork knife but he returned bigger and better than ever.

Fire your editor. You have three extraneous words on the end of that headline.

Send dunes

Asked to explain his 1st interception, Peterman said: “Then, in the distance, I heard the bulls. I began running as fast as I could. Fortunately, I was wearing my Italian cap toe oxfords. Sophisticated yet different; nothing to make a huge fuss about. Rich dark brown calfskin leather. Matching leather vent. Men’s

There’s a Papa John’s in short walking distance from my house. A Domino’s too. But we also have Alex’s, Apollo’s, The Couch Tomato, Dantonio’s, Fiesta, Franzone’s, Mama’s, Mike’s, Mina’s, Riverside, Roma, Slices, and Zesto in the general neighborhood. Most of these places make far better pizza than Papa John’s or

Bryant Blames Receiving Woes on Good JuJu

son buenos perros, Breñt

So the Red Sox are still stealing signs then?

White Sox Owner to GM: We must be rid of the white walkers

Dude, you used the phrase ‘social just warrior’ and started a sentence with “I’m not racist.”

Getting into an aero tuck requires good habits, since the hems can get caught in the crank.

Ironically, based on today’s gold prices, if David Griffin weighs 200 pounds, that would mean he’s worth $3,917,088 in gold, right around the league average for a GM.

He said he respectfully disagrees with some of the coverage he has received from the media, in particular from Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski, but nevertheless he respects the need for a searching and critical press to a functioning civil society, and ultimately he welcomes the scrutiny because he thinks

Look, if the Founding Fathers had wanted to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, and promote the general welfare, they would have said so.