With my last breath, I curse Zoidberg!

HA! Awesome!

Ah ok. I despise the Windows importing tool. So limited. But I should stop complaining and make it work as I can. I have yet to find an import tool that was as good as Canon's old my old camera.

I never watched Twin Peaks. But we watch Psych which had its Dual Spires episode. So my wife and I were curious. We watched the first episode/movie. I got so creeped out I couldn't watch it any further.

I've said it before, I'll say it again. This is why we have such inaccurate expectations of women. As a straight guy, I admit I enjoy the look, but seriously, I'd love to read a comic where the chick (main character, background character, etc) isn't always a horndog dripping with desire. While I know comics aren't

Can you share the secret to that magic?

I did see that! Thanks!

What is the best way to sync/automatically back up my camera roll. (not the photo stream). Sync would be ideal, but I'd take a backup/dump that I can then delete from.

A great function, (even though I'm on iphone) would be an auto email generation that would send an email to the company saying that you were about to purchase the product, but discovered they support SOPA, therefore are not. Let them know.

I agree. I know people who swear by their billion megapixel cameras, but unless you're making wall prints, those kids aren't going to look any better if you turn down the MP.

I do it for a secondary reason. Too many people don't return the cart, but by parking next to the return, its less likely that even the laziest of people won't return the cart here. Fewer stray carts that can cause dings

Many laptops are sans DVD drive now. I've had limited experience with Backtrack. can it be loaded on a USB key? Also, isn't there a limit to certain wifi cards? I have an older lenovo X60 tablet which I would love to re purpose to an an educational security laptop. But I worry that the wifi card is lacking the ability

Never used Dolphin.. any feedback from the LH world?

Thank you! This should have been so simple and easy to do from day one. Now I can actually send texts to my friend who switched away from the cult. My iphone kept trying to send him an iMessage

I watched Dogs Decoded. It was pretty incredible. Bottom line, they are more intelligence than we think. And they can read us pretty darn well.

I own a pair of those batman blades. Got them off ebay many years back. They're cool as they sit in a nylon case, under a bunch of crap, in a storage unit somewhere.

Thanks. I'll explore it a bit more.

I don't want to use iCloud. I haven't seen anything in sync that backs up photos. But I could be wrong

Can it automatically back up/sync my photos from my phone. That's the function I need. I don't want to keep opening the phone on my Win7, browsing to the photos, copying them out, renaming, etc.

XBMC self contained. That would be awesome! Imagine a config file that it would load at power up that could be hosted on the NAS. So all the XBMCs in the house would be identical.

They've already started rolling people back. This article should be killed off.