With my last breath, I curse Zoidberg!

The TVShow Time app is my personal favorite.

I missed the boat on that sadly. Still something I want to do soon.

If it hasnt been mentioned, SmartyPig serves in this function

I don't get the Linksys hate. I've had all Linksys routers for years and never had any issues.

Real men still carve wheels out of stone. And club their women over the head to claim ownership.

Yes. And oddly one company made me an offer. I countered with a different number and they just withdrew the offer completely. That was a first for me.

Ha! I love that I get that reference.

People have feelings no matter what. Despite that MySpace failed since, it was very popular and successful for a while. He may not be Zuck, but he didn't totally mess up at life.

I have no sympathy for overly rich people for being dicks. But I think he probably got tired of being made fun of and decided to put some ass in his place. I think Giz needs to calm the heck down.

The fact that paid users still only had "Pop3" access made me jump to gmail. Other than that, I was perfectly happy with Yahoo mail. I was using it via Outlook or the web.

Can you please stop these articles.

"a popular sexist meme with direct American historic racial overtones." What are you talking about. I was talking about a news story I remember where this medical anomaly occurred. You made something out of nothing.

OK..seriously, you're pulling this from no where. All I said was I recall a story about a woman who cheated on her husband and it was this unique medical anomaly. I thought I found the article, but I spoke too soon as they were both of the same race. Just because you say the world "black" doesn't make you a racist.

I stand corrected. I know there was an interracial version of this. Anyway..point being, its pretty fascinating.

How did I get it wrong?

Perhaps not.

Or not.

This was the story I was referring to.

This is the story I'm referencing.

No, I mean like this.