With my last breath, I curse Zoidberg!

The TVShow Time app is my personal favorite.

Ah...I never watched TP. Good to know.

I took the time to read that. And I still have no idea.

The problem isn't the technology to add 3D, but the technology to watch it. You can either force everyone to wear active 3D glasses, which are very expensive, or have everyone sit/stand on a single spot in their TV room without moving to watch it sans glasses.

I guess I'm in the minority who doesn't like 3-D. I think 3D TVs are a passing fad.

I guess I'm one of the few that likes the Death of Superman Saga. Granted, the return is a bit shady, but it was one of the best stories I read. I know I was a youngin and all, but it hit the emotions and I truly felt the impact of Superman and his legacy on strangers and loved ones.

I missed the boat on that sadly. Still something I want to do soon.

If it hasnt been mentioned, SmartyPig serves in this function

I don't get the Linksys hate. I've had all Linksys routers for years and never had any issues.

If I see correctly, the same deadbolt has a keypad AND fob access? I've not shopped for deadbolts in a while. This could be handy

Real men still carve wheels out of stone. And club their women over the head to claim ownership.

Another person who remembers that show! I love that show and no one I know seems to remember it.

You must have excelled in drama class. Seriously... its not that big a deal. You like them, great. You don't, no biggie.

I agree. BB was my favorite innovation in the DCU, sans for Kyle Rayner. Something new and different. I pretend that retcon never happened. I have to.

Thank you for being safe. A little intelligence can save money and lives.

Yes. And oddly one company made me an offer. I countered with a different number and they just withdrew the offer completely. That was a first for me.

Ha! I love that I get that reference.

People have feelings no matter what. Despite that MySpace failed since, it was very popular and successful for a while. He may not be Zuck, but he didn't totally mess up at life.

I have no sympathy for overly rich people for being dicks. But I think he probably got tired of being made fun of and decided to put some ass in his place. I think Giz needs to calm the heck down.

The fact that paid users still only had "Pop3" access made me jump to gmail. Other than that, I was perfectly happy with Yahoo mail. I was using it via Outlook or the web.