With my last breath, I curse Zoidberg!

Sorry, but Nook Color/Tablet FTW. Worth the $50. Even as a prime member, I'd really want the Nook. My wife has the Color and it is great. I've heard nothing but complaints from Fire owners/returners.

I have an older version of powerline. It is great, but you have to be aware that it is not as fast as the max speed. Or even close. But it still beats the pants off of Wifi.

I only recently discovered Dr. Who. I started with Christopher Eccelson and caught up to David Tennant. Now I sit and eagerly await each drop of Dr. Who.

I thought this was in reference to the Star Wars Holiday Special. I just watched that for the first time 2 days go. I'll never get that time back. Its something you can't unsee.

I wonder what actually tipped them off? Did the tight clothes have a factor? Granted, if thats answered, the smugglers have a new method.

I'd like to see a best of dual docks. Iphones/ipads, etc. Many people have multiple devices and it would be great to be able to charge both. I've seen a few around, with mixed reviews.

I wonder if its requests or actual mail in. The request went in a long while back, but we only got the mailing envelope a couple days ago. It only got mailed yesterday.

Yes, but it depends on what the circumstances are. (Fired vs. laid off, etc). Not so much for executives. you can cause a catastrophe and usually walk away richer.

While tenure may be used in your point, it doesn't mean it should not be used elsewhere. I'm not going to make any assumptions of your experience with teachers outside of being a student, but its clear the value tenure has. Actually being that college level education is a business, tenure has less value there than

Public school teachers do get tenure, so they dont need it. (at least in most of the top performing states). FWIW, I support both teachers and tenure. While it does it some modification, its a great thing.

I'd like to see the success rate of this tactic. You have to be at an executive level to pull this off. Right now, standard level employees are not a challenge to replace.

I would have assumed him to be an idiot, but I don't recall this either. I guess I was busy downloading JPEGs of Sarah Michele Gellar.

If it meant my bags weren't trashed, my privacy wasn't invaded, I didn't have busted kneecaps after each flight, and wasn't treated like cattle, yes.

If they offered that, I'd dress nice for it.

There is still the issue of people who had iPhones and switched away. But their iMessage stayed enabled, so anyone from an iDevice who tries to text them gets sent to iMessage limbo.

I definitely will check that out. Even if not for her, for me. Thanks!

Thats actually the case. She's not into the genre. I try and try...oh well. I love her as she is, no need to change.

I've give it a shot, who knows. But comics books aren't really her style anyway. But hey, you never know. Thanks for the suggestions. I may read them myself. At the risk of sounding less than typical male, I enjoy a strong female character that doesn't involve her being undercover as a stripper. (I saw the Catwoman

And they are obligated to wear thigh high boots, with extremely long spiked heels. And run in them. And apparently that ample bosom is being supported by a bra designed from adamantium and cushioned by something to prevent damage.

I always try to get my wife to try reading a story or two. But she's always turned off by the clearly male driven stories which don't show much regard for actual women.