With my last breath, I curse Zoidberg!

I'd like to see the success rate of this tactic. You have to be at an executive level to pull this off. Right now, standard level employees are not a challenge to replace.

I would have assumed him to be an idiot, but I don't recall this either. I guess I was busy downloading JPEGs of Sarah Michele Gellar.

If it meant my bags weren't trashed, my privacy wasn't invaded, I didn't have busted kneecaps after each flight, and wasn't treated like cattle, yes.

If they offered that, I'd dress nice for it.

There is still the issue of people who had iPhones and switched away. But their iMessage stayed enabled, so anyone from an iDevice who tries to text them gets sent to iMessage limbo.

I definitely will check that out. Even if not for her, for me. Thanks!

Thats actually the case. She's not into the genre. I try and try...oh well. I love her as she is, no need to change.

I've give it a shot, who knows. But comics books aren't really her style anyway. But hey, you never know. Thanks for the suggestions. I may read them myself. At the risk of sounding less than typical male, I enjoy a strong female character that doesn't involve her being undercover as a stripper. (I saw the Catwoman

And they are obligated to wear thigh high boots, with extremely long spiked heels. And run in them. And apparently that ample bosom is being supported by a bra designed from adamantium and cushioned by something to prevent damage.

I always try to get my wife to try reading a story or two. But she's always turned off by the clearly male driven stories which don't show much regard for actual women.

Actually, you pretty much said what I was getting at. I don't think its longer lives, but rather that the stupider/uglier/unsuccessful are breeding more. To use an analogy, if people were gazelle, the sickly, slow, weak or stupid gazelles would be dinner by now. Instead, we've allowed those gazelle to get together

I have a personal theory that this current stage of humans have destroyed natural selection. With technology and the internet, we have ruined, or at least drastically slowed the 'survival of the fittest' genetic screening process. Sadly, this comment section isn't really the place for a discussion of that nature. Not

Hackman was great. And great for the time. Spacey would have been great for that time. But I just didn't buy him as a great LL. Granted, that movie didn't sell as a Superman movie. We'll add it to the DC movie abortion list, like the Schumaker batman movies, Hex, and other poor attempts. With a sad heart, I add GL

Kevin Spacey in Superman Returns? Or am I just the last one to burn that movie out of their memory.

I wish I could promote this many many times.

To be honest, tenure and benefits are the counter balance to lousy pay in the world of education. I speak this having first hand knowledge. That's also second to the fact that most people who go into teaching aren't there for the benefits.

I wondered the same thing. I have a bulldog and he usually has the "I don't give a fuck"/napping, "leave me the fuck alone" or "gimme gimme gimme" look.

While I think this lady is an idiot, your comment is a bit absurd. A judgement on something now based on minimal experience 'plenty' years ago.

Thats not a bad idea. I wouldn't have paid for climate control (and didnt) at all. But when you give it for the price of non-CC, and the price of a drive up garage, can't beat it. But I do like that idea. It just may be a headache if they're far apart.

I use SmartyPig for my annual budgeting. And for month to month, i have envelopes to split my income into for monthly expenses. Its primitive, but effective. One you have a managed budget, you can work to an electronic system. Also something like Quicken or Mint to identify daily expenses.