With my last breath, I curse Zoidberg!

If you report it stolen, it should not be able to be activated again.

If your device is locked, will Prey be crippled? (Forcing a theif to have their picture taken, etc?)

There's a setting to enable. Its the file deletion setting. I think in system prefs. But yes, it can do it.

Just tried it with a pair of skull candy bud with the buttons. Works perfect. So obvious, but so missed. Secret photo taking, begin

The guy is wrangling walkers. The people on the farm are living lives pretty normal for the most part. And people still have conversations. I just think having Hershel end up being an ass and just hiding it for fear of them killing her would be a better explanation that ignorance.

Let me clarify. The zombies aren't the drama, they're the circumstance. They're what plagues the survivors. And it seems that thus far, that MOST of the confronted issues are realistic in nature. It seems to make more sense here than any of the 'drama' shows on TV.

Let me clarify. The zombies aren't the drama, they're the circumstance. They're what plagues the survivors. And it seems that thus far, that MOST of the confronted issues are realistic in nature. It seems to make more sense here than any of the 'drama' shows on TV.

If you're a zombie wrangler, would not not say - "hey, i wrangled a little girl today". Its not a run of the mill activity that people do every day. And certainly a feeder would have noticed. I don't buy the "we didn't know thing." Flimsy excuse.

To echo Shaun and many others.... I enjoyed the story line thus far. While I can agree to a degree the Sophia thing was stretched out a bit, overall, it has been a good story.

In TWD, I can't remember their names, but there was a family that drove off to a different direction when the crew left for the CDC. I wonder if they'll bring them back.

I've never thought about that. I always just cash out. Thank you for reminding me!

I just wanted to suggest SmartyPig to anyone who doesn't already use it. I used it for all my annual budgeting needs. (Car insurance, homeowners insurance, vacation fund, holiday presents, etc). It is absolutely the best and easy way to keep those annual bills under control. If anyone has questions let me know. I

I really thought Sophia appearance, Carl's gun possession and Shane's hotheaded rage would add up to an ending deserving of Shane.

Yes...and I have been wondering what they'll do with Tyreese

My memory is slim. I'll have to wikipedia it later.

I'm thinking they're keeping Shane around for now as an antagonistic force. Rick could easily have corralled everyone to accept the barn full of walkers in exchange for peaceful living. (as much as possible). Darryl being the only exception. And he could have been convinced eventually.

They should add this as a lock screen option. Simple update/option. Will keep me for making custom wallpaper every time I change.

Its funny you posted this. I was just thinking of BSG and trying to recall the the outcomes of all the characters. I knew a few ended up in airlocks.

I agree. I think fan pages, causes, etc all can throw this.

No, its useless as its not a true call recorder. An app that would be able to record locally on the device would be a true recorded. A single fee of 5.99 for a call recorder would be fine. But then to export the service to a 3rd party, defeats the point. The app is useless if you don't have data access.