With my last breath, I curse Zoidberg!

Thats why I've held off on a smart phone. I want either reasonable tiers, or the option of no data plan. I'm a rarer case, but i have wifi everywhere I need.

I think the question is why did the police investigate off the records, not why did the police investigate. Did they just use their badges for pull to help out Apple, or was it helping Apple by not filing a report? (meaning did the officers act off the records, or did the whole department?)

Amen to that. I can't tell you how many people I know who spend way too much on a college education. Some things, a better school may be worth it. ie- I'd rather my surgeon graduate from Harvard than Boondocks Community College. But in many cases, a degree is a degree.

I've been using this for about a week now. Its a great tablet, and I'm hoping more companies decide to support it. The epub reader is weak. I"m disappointed that HP didn't develop an ereader. The free one available seems to choke on epub.


I think the single Sinestro tyrant story would have been sufficient. Parallax was a horrible idea for a villian. A guardian is a bit much for the average movie goer to follow. Now you have a bad one who is fear.

If "carbon dioxide is not a harmful gas," why doesn't she prove it. Stand in a room full of it. Lets see how it feels.

I got choked up from that little clip. That image is a perfect example of what we're all losing. Our friends, our family, our loved ones. Everyone feels the pain.

Now I need to go watch Taken. It was very typical..but so good.

Actually, that's a common misnomer. Dogs are happy to see you, but not to please you, simply because it pleases them. If you're pleased at the same time, that's just a perk for you.


Fox News isn't really news. CNN is can be argued.

This has nothing to do with unions or union leaders. While Internet access isn't a right, it is quickly become understood to be one. Its become synonymous with electricity, water, and gas to the home.

I do like Jones...and Tyler. I'm in the minority I guess, but I didn't like Donna

I really like Rose Tyler... I'd rather her than Donna

I had to use the Victorinox Rescue Knife 2 months back when I saw a highway crash. Got it as a groomsman gift and had it in my glovebox, just in case. []

I had to use the Victorinox Rescue Knife 2 months back when I saw a highway crash. Got it as a groomsman gift and had it in my glovebox, just in case. []

I'm hoping it doesn't come to this, but I suspect it may be the easiest way.

Could I put GooGone on a cloth and wipe it down?

Whats the best way to clean the stove top? our gas stove has a tough time starting without the use of a candle lighter.