With my last breath, I curse Zoidberg!

"Striking at a time when so many people are without a job isn't exactly a smart thing to do if you're wanting public support either." That's the exact rationale that companies use to screw over workers. They can pay people less, deny them raises, etc, (while executives get them in spades), and so on, because there are

I truly hope its not the workers who are performing these acts of vandalism. They will hurt their cause more than help it, and hurt the concept of unions. (For the record, I'm not in a union).

Good ol' Florida... The epicenter of those left behind by natural selection.

Now playing

I echo Vitamin D. I'm the guy who had the dogwalker that I busted with VitaminD. It was mentioned on lifehacker a while back. []

Or a new way for them to add you to their list...can never be sure.

My favorite, which was inspired by Burn Notice last night, was cracking encryption. Being "almost cracked" doesn't exist. It's either broken or not. It's binary. Decrypting takes time, but you don't decrypt it. Just like digital passcodes being cracked 1 digit at a time.

Check with your individual company's website to confirm what is and isn't covered. If you get a doc's perscription, gym and weight loss programs may be covered.

Tivo..too little too late. High prices, late support for everything. Sorry, went cable free.

You know, its entirely possible to not need data at all times. I have wifi at work and home, as well as 95% of places I go. I don't need it in the car, I have a GPS. Different folks have different needs. You may need unlimited, others, may not.

I think they screwed up with GL. It had a great concept, but they should have stuck with the Sinestro story line, rather than the whole 'fear/parallax' story. Its great, but a bit too over the top for general audience. The GC was done well, as was the concept of aliens. A guardian gone bad on fear was a bit too much,

How is this a good thing? I don't need lots of data. And if you are having data limits, then you should be able to roll over your data.

the 75 MB plan is not available for smartphones.

Is it grandfathered as a existing Data Plan user, or just an existing customer of VZW?

Yea...he has grown on me. And I certainly don't want another Doctor back. Unless you can bring back one of the past 2. What about a female Doctor? The Doctor did say once he came back as a woman once or twice.

I may be in the minority here, but I'm not overly in love with Matt Smith's portrayal. I'd rather have Eccleston back. or Tennant. Or maybe its his head that's throwing me.

I wonder if the doppelganger/clone/flesh monster/etc is what actually gets killed by the astronaut? Time travel and all, not impossible.

First thing I thought as well. No one with a wife would be allowed to take closet space for this.

I have a Nook Color, (or rather, bought one for my wife). Absolutely love the device. Reads great. Good response. And after the recent update, my biggest complaint was resolved.

The futuristic version would have a weakness of yellow leaves. Massachusetts in the fall is a GL enemy's paradise.

I agree. I think he makes for a more likable character. I really like Kyle