
I assumed you meant that you tweet while playing football drunk, or tweet about playing football drunk.

And Cho was specifically calling out Dr. Strange (on Twitter) for casting Tilda Swinton, about a week before this email exchange.

It wasn’t really a “random Asian-American celebrity,” though. At the time of this email exchange, Margaret Cho was publicly criticizing Dr. Strange (and Ghost in the Shell, and Hollywood in general) for whitewashing Asians out of acting roles. So Tilda Swinton was reaching out to someone who was publicly speaking

Counterpoint: Excitebike is the greatest game ever made.

...and one man died in a shootout with authorities.

How does this article only have three stars?

The only way to stop a bad teen is with a good teen.

I wouldn’t mind having 400 Psychic types in the can when they finally drop a catchable Mewtwo on us . . ..

Update: It is a good article.

Read headline, nodded approvingly, clicked star.

You’re only missing that you’re not traveling each direction for equal times, but for equal distances . . . and that means you spend less time going fast (because you cover the distance quickly) than you spend going slow (because you cover the distance slowly). Going 15mph one way and 5mph the other way yields an

But because each direction is the same distance, but you’re traveling at different speeds, you spend three times as much time swimming 5mph than you do swimming 15mph . . . resulting in an average speed of 7.5mph.

I’m on blood thinners, and I’m unfit for the U.S. Presidency.

Plus Caterpie, Metapod and Venomoth seem stylistically related. Esp. the eyes.

I would have written the word “poop” personally.

At least in part, because people in the non-Go countries are pirating it rather than wait?

This is wonderful news. I just need to find a historically-significant landmark within 100 feet of my living room couch.

Vanishingly blue.

It took me 15 minutes of playing to walk off a curb and fall sprawling into a parking lot. Twisted my ankle and skinned my knee.