"My argument" assumes no such thing. "Help keep you from committing crimes" is not the same as "makes you incapable of committing crimes".
"My argument" assumes no such thing. "Help keep you from committing crimes" is not the same as "makes you incapable of committing crimes".
All Canada-crimes are caused by Americans sneaking over the border and raising hay. This is known.
It does help keep you from committing crimes for the period that you're stuck inside the prison, though. The U.S. has so many people locked up (0.7% of the population is currently in prison) that we might see a reduction in crime just by having many of the most-likely crime-committers stuck in prison at any given…
Murder is rarely "rich people killed by poor strangers." Most (80%?) murder victims knew their killers before the murder. And murder has dropped by half, so . . . that's probably not a big factor.
Aw, man! Did it always say that?
"Never complain about CGI looking fake..."
Hydrazine doesn't use oxygen (or any outside chemicals except as a catalyst) when "burning".
The only way I can see that being plausible is if they have no FTL drives, and these Earth-visiting ships took dozens or hundreds of years to get here. (News of their destruction would similarly be decades away from getting back home.)
The earlier black-and-white photos were really a tasteful homage to the old sound stage they used for the moon landing.
Sounds like you need to eat a big bucket of KFC right in front of them.
It seems to go a long way to explaining the combined land+sea nature of the extinction, too. Way too hot+low deep ocean oxygen, followed very shortly by way too cold and dark, would rock the whole house.
If you're in any kind of big city when [event that kills off most of the population] happens, rat and pigeon would be the nearest available wildlife. Electric stoves with generators and camper stoves would probably be useable for a while yet (and wood-fired pizza ovens would be useable indefinitely).
Dang. Tree-climbing deer? Feels like the world just got a tiny bit weirder . . ..
Mark Witton wrote an essay where he argued that ceratopsians may have been pig-like omnivores. It came up in the comments that nearly all "herbivores", deer and cows included, will eat small animals given the opportunity.
This is super, super awesome.
Everything eats birds.
We just gotta go dig up his head.
The Metropolitan Museum appears to have a retractable stadium roof.
As a tetanuran (literally: "stiff tail") theropod, I doubt any megalosaur could bend its tail like that without shattering every vertebrae along the curve.