It . . . I feel like this article is misleading (probably unintentionally, but still misleading) in all sorts of subtle, "weasel-word" ways.
It . . . I feel like this article is misleading (probably unintentionally, but still misleading) in all sorts of subtle, "weasel-word" ways.
Yeah! I was thinking of going outside for the first time today, but now that I've read this, I'm terrified to leave my parents' basement.
The ability to command the denizens of the sea would make calorie accumulation super easy.
Being a reanimated abomination stitched together from the harvested flesh of multiple cadavers is also a suspected child health-risk.
The blue whale d0es NOT have a large brain-to-body-mass ratio.
This wasn't "in public". This was on private property.
I'd put forth that no, that's almost certainly not what was going on here.
I too would have liked a little more explanation of these pieces that don't add up. But as I lack information, I will replace it with guesses.
". . . has unequivocally confirmed . . . that he might be . . ."
They are not kidding you.
Or, a single Clovis tribe lost its spearmaking adults in a hunt gone bad, and the surviving tribe-members had to figure out how to make speartips over again and did it somewhat differently?
Forgot for a minute that none of these countries use inches.
Of all the theories proposed, this one sounds like the best candidate for explaining the gender disparity. Men already have an occupational mortality rate over 10x that of women. Add any additional risks in there, and yeah, male deaths are going to stack up a lot faster than female deaths.
1) The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which sets these standards, was founded before Microsoft released the first version of Internet Explorer, but after other web browsers had been released (in particular, Mosaic).
I can see it.
Isaiah Mustafah could be the male equivalent of "Princess Leia" at all future sci-fi conventions.
My ideal sci-fi convention would be me and Peter Mayhew sitting around eating pizza and watching Star Trek.
My ideal sci-fi convention would be me and Peter Mayhew (Peter dressed as Chewbacca, of course) eating pizza and watching Star Trek.
If it hasn't aged well, we're probably loving it for what it was. (Which is still okay!)
Not to mention they greatly underestimate the surface area of the airfoil. There's no need to approximate with a (small) triangle when scads of free software would happily tell you the exact (or nearly exact) area of the whole complex shape, relative to Batman's height.