
There's a lot of blurring here between "science" and "social equality". And I can see how the two concepts have some historical connection, but that does not make them the same thing.

Hey, you guys wanna get some yogurt?

I could see Canada going for a more Illuminati-type domination . . . letting the other nations believe they're the ones in control, while their Canadian puppetmasters dunk their Tim Hortons doughnuts and tug gently at the strings.

Just "chocolate". It was self-reported, and the participants were not (as I understand it) asked to alter their normal behavior in any way. So whatever people normally eat in San Diego, these people ate.

It's all part of a larger fish plan to conquer the world and exact their revenge.

Darn, that link worked when I posted it. Now it's behind a paywall. Well, I guess I can't answer your question now, and sorry for the useless link. Although I can't see how it would be placebo-controlled when they just asked people how much chocolate they ate.

I think if, after 7 hours, you had still not convinced a stranger on the Internet to change their mind about a topic that poses no immediate threat of death or harm . . . you could with a clear conscience decide to drop the issue and go get yogurt.

Participants were surveyed on their weekly chocolate consumption. No "special" chocolate, just Kit Kats and Cadbury Eggs. That's why the result is so surprising . . . even with the sugar and fat, they had lower BMIs (at their self-reported consumption levels).

Looks like they've managed to combine string and loop theory, in fact.

I wish I knew enough about string theory to opine intelligently on this. But I don't. But I do know that this book has been out for six years now, and there's a considerable body of refutation by string theorists available by now. But of course, I also don't understand what they wrote well enough to know who's

Pat Fraley is still alive if they want to get just the right voice!

I'm from Alaska. If a village has a problem with drunken domestic violence and drunk driving, why would it be "hard to take them seriously" when their response is to try banning the alcohol?

Whoops, I am sorry. I both misunderstood what you were saying, AND missed what you'd said in other threads. My (double) mistake!

The Canadian Supreme Court or the US Supreme Court? The Canadian courts have disallowed certain types of drawings in the past.

If "Canadian customs is still infamously intrusive, prudish and unaccountable to the public," then I shudder think of what every other nation on Earth's customs are. I can think of about 200 countries that are likely or certainly worse than Canada in this regard.

Well then I expect that show will be hearing from NBC's lawyers!

In which a giant, oceangoing ninja terrorizes an island resort town, and a great white named Quint offers to kill it for $10,000.

An altruism pill would be great if you could get every single person on earth to take it at the same time.