
"All authors are founders and uncompensated board members of the nonprofit American Council for CoEducational Schooling"

"Whoops, forgot about daylight savings. Never mind, everybody."

Conversely, Hitler never once patronized a Taco Bell.

I have a number of co-workers who are near-constantly sermonizing that sugar (in any amount at all) is terrible for your health, and the only good diet is a sugar-free diet.

Yours is a good point too. If anything, they should have turned INTO members of the Ancient Humanoid species (which again neglects that evolution happens over successive generations, not all within one organism).

In the Star Trek universe, evolution was and is *very* directed. Ancient humanoids seeded the galaxy with primitive cellular life specifically designed to evolve towards humanoid forms (thus explaining the existence of so many genetically-similar humanoids from so many different worlds.)

A lot of plant toxins are geared towards insects. Not only do insects vastly outnumber mammalian herbivores, but insects also damage plants at a slow-enough pace that a poisonous plant has a good chance of out-living its predator with minimal damage. Thus, the faster-acting the poison, the fewer bites an herbivorous

Scientists and doctors are to say that some people aren't sensitive to wifi.

Thank you! I didn't know enough about photography to have ever caught that, but now that I've looked up what your words mean, it seems like you're right.

This guy is well-known in Bigfoot-believer circles, because he's produced a number of proven and suspected bigfoot hoaxes already. He's pretty much a joke within that crowd. Nobody believes anything he says anymore.

You can see them for yourself if you want:

Myth: "Multibillion business" and "harmless" are somehow mutually exclusive terms.

(In the interest of full-disclosure, this line of reasoning has never in my experience changed anyone's mind. But it is satisfying to use.)

The anti-vaccine parents I've encountered (which do, as others have pointed out, trend towards more educated rather than less) haven't tended to listen to evidence like this, because they're convinced there's a Big Pharma coverup and all the medical literature favoring vaccines is cherry-picked lies.

A T. rex is more of a paleontological than an archaeological find, no?

The hospital near my house has a very helpful chart, breaking down each number in terms of how dominant the pain is over the rest of your conscious experience. It's similar to the scale on this page:

"Organic" in chemistry kinda just means "carbon-based". There's a lot of organic chemicals that have nothing to do with life.

Ma and Pa Kent had a pretty good thing going on, too. But you're right, it was hit-or-miss, with more of the misses clustered at the start and end of the run.

Yes, but how long does it take before the food gets a hair on it? That's the pressing issue here.