a cat named scruffy- live from Caldor

The Walking Dead jumped to a whole new level tonight and Andrew Lincoln finally stopped being Egg in my mind.

I always thought of Lestat and Louis as more of a bromance with a dollop of homosexual undercurrent thrown in for fun like Brian and Kurt on Teachers, Miles and Julian on DS9 or Howard and Rajesh on Big Bang Theory.

I inferred that when the characters became vampires and lost the ability to have sex that to them human sexual feelings sort of went away and they have their own types of relationships that are very different from the type that the living have.

No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain is what I'm watching. I have a bunch of episodes saved on my DVR from recent airings of all of the old episodes.

It's a trick! Alpha-Aleph doesn't exist.

High European gas prices are why people drive smaller cars there.

I came here for the jokes and you guys delivered. Props.

How does one become a Catstronaut?

I was looking forward to this but it looks B-Movietastic in the ad.

Spelling Bees, nice one.

Pyrrhic victory indeed.

I've seen almost all of the 30 for 30s and the only ones I didn't care for were the one about the Colombian drug dealer and the soccer player, The NY Soccer team in the 70s and The Ice Cube one about the Raiders.

I just use multicolored labeling stickers for my cables.

Washing soda is the only thing I've found that will take mildew smells out of your clothes if you forget them damp in the washer for a couple of days.

What are you using in place of Metro in Windows 8?

I never got motion sickness until I was maybe 13 or 14 years old but 20+ years later I still get sick playing first person games and just don't try to read in cars anymore.

I haven't been able to play first person games since I was about 13, before that I could play them all day.

Hold on, Google maps itself is shitty enough in my area (led me wrong about 1/3 of the time) that I went and bought a Garmin. I can't imagine that the Apple maps are that much worse.

I'm a guy who has naturally kinky hair rather than curly and unless I get it cut super short, which I don't do anymore most barbers butcher it.

I want to know if dinosaurs did in fact taste like chicken.