a cat named scruffy- live from Caldor

Thanks for the information, I would also like to know more about what went on behind the scenes too but I also sort of don't want to know.

Hey, my cousin Larry is internet famous now!

Great answer, that makes sense.

I guess we'll have to also invent a new style of passenger plane for this to work because I have no idea how you would dock a 747 or whatever planes airlines use these days.

Thank you.

I read around half of the first Hammers Slammers book and didn't enjoy it much due to it's skipping around to new characters each chapter and not establishing much of a story arc.

I'm pretty sure that most people don't have clear definition of fascism that's why they claim it's not fascist.

Most people who see films adapted from books haven't read the book.

Interesting take, Roddenberry doing a George Lucas (in the 2000s) before Lucas did it.

Makes perfect sense, thanks. One day I need to drive one.

I don't use Avast after a system is broken, I set all of my friends/family who need my help (many are fine on their own) up with it from the get go.

Yep, it's cheap beer marketed at teenagers and college students who can't afford good beer.

Now playing

I don't like the status quo either pal, believe me.

The only alternative I can think of is to go Pol Pot and force everyone to go along with my view of how society should be or face death and I don't want to be Pol Pot so I try to be an example and do it the slow way.

"If these folks are in the inclusive nerd subculture, when are they going to buy the clue?"

I personally would ask them if they were here 5000+ years ago, I'd want to find out if that Ancient Aliens guy is full of shit.

Sometimes just moving in right direction is a significant change from the status quo.

When you hear about people in the sports world doing the same crap (ESPN employees fired for sexual harassment of co-workers in Deadsspin articles) you have to realize it's not just sci-fi/nerd culture.

I get that, what I meant was that if you buy from the flemarket and get them home open the box or try to charge them and find out they're junk they probably won't give you a refund, with Amazon you have a better chance of getting a refund within 30 days or so.

It's certainly possible if you're internet savvy but when doing tech support for friends and relatives who are less tech savvy most of them need more protection than MSE alone because they're less educated about the dangers of the web than most of us here and will pretty much click on anything shiny.