I'm pretty sure I've come across English fansubbed French shows before so no worries. Just wait for the fansubbers to ride to the rescue.
I'm pretty sure I've come across English fansubbed French shows before so no worries. Just wait for the fansubbers to ride to the rescue.
When most of our minds are uploaded to computers and we feel invincible someone will invariably trip over the cord and humanity will be lost in a millisecond.
My parents are Catholic, 200 years behind the times sounds about right to me.
Congrats CJA!
How am I the first to post this?
You shouldn't have to stand up for yourself to get someone to sell you something.
Well earned!
Sam stole Ren's dream.
Yes you can hook up your computer to your tv but it's nice when you can sit in front of the TV with your whole family and watch shows on the big screen (bigger than the computer).
I knew the first two but the rest are news to me.
He still had it far better than Wil Wheaton, costume wise that is.
HGGTG is one of my favorite books, that joke just went over my head until Armageist explained it to me.
Thanks. Now I get it. It was as I suspected, the joke went over my head.
I wrote a few words holding a pencil with my teeth once. If it's that or the stew pot you find a way.
I still have bad memories from The Zingo from 10+ years ago.
Either you replied to the wrong person or I'm missing some joke entirely.
I'm sure this will be forgotten in record time just like the Total Recall remake will be.
A few weeks ago Peter Heller was on Fresh Air on NPR talking about this book.
Until a cow or chicken files a formal protest in writing they're still fair game for the soup pot as far as I'm concerned.