a cat named scruffy- live from Caldor

If you said these will never exist in our lifetimes I'd say you're probably right but I think most of these will exist at some point if we don't destroy our civilization first.

Maybe it was caused by some sort of fad drug that only the rich used like powdered whale penis or something.


This sounds like it would be an interesting miniseries but I can't see this staying interesting for more than one full season unless there's much more to it than it sounds.

I can't fault you for hating any of those.

The other X-Men movies were all at least decent but "yet very much a celebration of the X-Men movies." is sort of patting yourself on the back isn't it?

Which James Bond movies?

Well they say that laziness is the mother of invention.

USA did The Dead Zone and The 4400 a long time ago but they have done sci-fi and fantasy before.

Good idea, he's great but I was thinking of someone around 30 not around 40.

I think they need a Scottish actor too but I can't think of any recognizable actors in the right age range.

Lambert seems to be sarcastically mocking everything in every role I've ever seen him in.

That's an awesome idea!

I might want to see Starship Troopers and Highlander, those older movies have much room for improvement.

One of the cardinal rule of soap operas is that no main character goes to jail for more than a few episodes.

Hello, I am a Prince in Nigeria and I am also the head of the Nigerian space program...

*updates resume*

2 of Clubs. Your argument is invalid.

He's a robot, he can easily come back if they need him again without much fuss.

I never underestimate any carmakers stupidity.