a cat named scruffy- live from Caldor

I wash and clean out my car once a year whether it needs it or not.

As long as it's not mandatory that the computer drive you I'd be ok with it.

Now I just want to see a Sonny Chiba movie.

I would not watch it along with the other shows that are unwatchable if you're sober.

Thanks. I thinks that might be next on my list.

Get Dr Cox or Dr Kelso on the show and I'm in!

It sounds worth a rental or HBO viewing.

Too much money. That's why they pay you so much, so you'll keep doing stuff you're tired of or don't really like.

How much to bring you back to Earth?

If I think of something that would make a good short story I'll write it and post it.

No, you might be able to trust the current rulers but the next people in charge might use their power for evil and they know everything about you so they can easily catch you if you try to leave or resist them in any way.

Glad to hear it. Everything is finally going in the right direction for me.

She's hilarious as Barb, I like her even more than The Todd (from Scrubs).

No thanks, I'll just hitch a ride on a passing Vogon ship.

I'll eat your dog, you eat mine.

On the other hand, all of those remote killing devices you've been working on, you'd get to use them...

I want to see that film now.


A history professor is second in charge on the Falling Skies TV show, oh wait, that shows not at all realistic.