I ditched AT&T 6 months ago for a pre-paid sim card (Straight Talk).
I ditched AT&T 6 months ago for a pre-paid sim card (Straight Talk).
Heating and cooling a decent sized church building would be expensive when it's 10 degrees or 108 degrees.
The hour I shouldn't miss is the Koala special right?
No one would want to match this.
I bought a CD player in the early/mid 90s for my home for around $150 and for my car for around $250.
I like a little categorization because sometimes I'm in the mood for one type of story and sometimes another.
Thanks a lot.
I think we can make a lot of progress in space in 100 years with a few good breakthroughs and you never know when they will happen.
Give me plumbing or give me death.
Star Trek's vision of the future was one where we conquered war and scarcity and became better people because of this.
This is why a lot of us liked DS9 better than TNG because the characters and situations they were in on DS9 were more believable because every main character suffered and had life stink for them at some point in the series.
Nice! Replying to approve your comment.
I think this singularity thing happening in our lifetime is fantasy.
Great post. It's science fiction not a Nostradamus prophesy, predicting the future isn't the point of most sci-fi.
If you had the choice to put research money for the next 100 years or so towards uploading people to crystals or working on technology to bypass the light speed barrier and make space vehicles better and safer for our current selves which would you choose?
I didn't sign any treaty. Where's my pickax and space-mule?
I would have done top 100 songs but nice list.
I don't think I've ever read one of his novels. I liked the interview and would like to try one.
I wonder how long it takes for a road to get overgrown like that one has.
Alarming? Most of that stuff sounds awesome.