Eh i say the same thing about Hillary fans when they try saying she is trustworthy, never lies, and has nothing bad on her. Both candidates are insane, untrustworthy, and bought out. Still funny seeing them mention it in a game though.
Eh i say the same thing about Hillary fans when they try saying she is trustworthy, never lies, and has nothing bad on her. Both candidates are insane, untrustworthy, and bought out. Still funny seeing them mention it in a game though.
This just in: Good looking people have an easier time of it. Wow. Shocking.
I personally don’t care if she games provocatively or not. She isn’t hurting anyone. She has the right to do what she wants, just as much of a right as you have to ignore it. People shaming or calling her names are either taking this way too seriously, or need find a new hobby (or profession).
People really need to thicken up their skin. It’s a game, with giant alien ants, stop trying to make everything into some political scandal.
And hell, by definition they are immigrants, from space. Though i’m not sure it counts if you invade the place you are immigrating to?
I’d agree on the AI part - it could use some improvement - but I never had to focus on war in Civ games, especially 5. Always won with tech, cultural or diplomatic.
And how exactly is any of this relevant? What business is it of yours what the CEO of a game company does with his money?
Those are precisely the kind of lunatic attributions to Trump that make me take out my popcorn in hopes of his victory.
The Gawker network is incredibly liberal.
As much as I love GoG, CD Projekt Red will ever get big AAA games on their platform as long as they have the DRM-free policy for it.
The Steam description of the game -still- has a list of features nowhere in the game.
“In No Man’s Sky, every star is the light of a distant sun, each orbited by planets filled with life”
Stars are skyboxes, planets dont move. thats paragraph one
I feel I’m going hoarse from complaining about Murray and NMS and how this was literally a scam so this is going to be my last bit of bitching.
It doesn’t take a PR person to keep you from outright lying to your customers. Any decent developer already knows that.
The free change is for servicing mistakes made when 12/drunk.
Not with this game
I don’t think it’s age. It’s just not very reminiscent of anything that is Final Fantasy.I bet if they made a more traditional FF you’d be excited.
I can’t believe how old I’ve become, I am no longer excited about FF anymore.
not nick denton?
Not just backers. Plenty of us buy keys from legal third-party sites because they sell in local prices, and are cheaper than Steam. Why is my review of XCOM 2, which I bought on release, less valuable than that of somebody who bought it on Steam? Same with my review of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, why is my opinion on it…
Screw descent. Give me freespace 3.
Considering I got 10 years out of my last PC which was mediocre at best, I don’t really see myself needing to upgrade much. MAYBE a new graphics card when the next gen consoles come out, which would probably be cheaper than said consoles. Also the PC is already outperforming the current slate of consoles, It might not…
Come on, is it really that bad? I bought a new PC last week, but before that I had one from 2007, with just a cheaply updated graphics card, and it ran all the new games really well.