
She should have asked for....

I'm guessing she's read Ayn Rand and probably refers to herself as 'an intellectual' at dinner parties.

Stupid person tries to be smart.

Holy crap, that is industrial grade awful.


Raclette with cornichons (Baby Pickles)

I worked at Whole Foods in Cambridge, MA for six years, and had to deal with entitled assholes like this shopping there.

Being snarky and sarcastic is one thing. That requires perception and intelligence.

Devil's Advocate: Fashion Police is a necessary evil. Without it, millions of cheerleaders and sorority girls will be deprived of a potential career high point.

You win EVERYTHING for this.

Awww, poor Craigy...


This is why funding NASA is so important.

It's not you. It was funny (I'm not a Rogen fan, but he gets props for this one.)

I bow to your awesomeness.

Please stop talking.

'Santorum squirt'

After reading your comments, I'm now even more convinced of what a soulless fuckstain you are.

So instead of the fact that maybe the Colts didn't play at the level they were supposed to play, it's the fault of a deflated ball?

12th Commandment: