
Close enough hahaha

Jesus wept.

I see what you did there.

Whoever loses this fight...We all win.

People are annoying.

They have incredibly punchable faces and fill me with an urge to give in to my excessively violent side.

I really wish I could remember where I parked my TARDIS, because I want OFF this planet. NOW.

I say we take off and nuke 'em from orbit...just to make sure.

I think Justin Bieber getting punched in the face would elicit a loud cheer from just about anyone, really.

Entourage...It's like Friends for assholes.

You...You're good.

Brandon Davis and Joe Jonas?

The reason humans are still alive (the value of this is debateable) is knowing what risks ARE WORTH IT.

He was using the 'Fluttering Bamboo' technique.

Behind every 'crazy bitch' is usually a man who made her that way, be it father or spouse (the usual suspects)

I'm not saying that's always the case, but a lot of times, it is.



I'm guessing more than a few of those Duggar kids suffered from oxygen deprivation while waiting in line to come out the uterine clown car.

I'm listening to Wolfmother right now...If I had some magic mushrooms, this would be PERFECT.

Wow. You really are that mediocre that you went for the cliched shock value post.