
Seriously...I need to build this spaceship faster.

I really need to build my starship faster.

For a start, plotholes you could drive a bus through, story development that makes no sense, past characters disappearing with no explanation.

I always find it amusing when people defend racism, misogyny, abuse of women, and acts of cruelty with arguments about freedom of speech and censorship.

Her eyes look dead and cold.

My company is developing an education module where we address online behaviour...One thing we try to stress in the module is you have every right to say what you want when you want...with that comes the responsibility to recognize not everything you have the right to say is worth saying, and that if you choose to say

Bombay Bangers & Big-Ass Explosions...

I live with depression...more than a few things in my life haven't helped the situation (molested at the age of four, parents who believed in prayer rather than psychology, being a Black kid who 'talked White' according to kids and their parents, bullying, failed know...LIFE)

People like that, I don't engage in debate with...I simply tell them this....

This is where DC could make lemons out of lemonade, so to speak.

Joan Rivers' logic applied to Joan Rivers:

I'm guessing the last thing going through your mind on that landing would be your pelvis...

Boy...that escalated quickly. I mean, that really got out of hand fast...

More like a long line of habitual felons...

The minute I saw the words 'Titusville,' 'trailer,' Randall,' and '12 year old,' I knew this was not going to end well.

What does travel require? MONEY.

Now playing

I suspect this was what he was going for...

See the Oprah post...