
It’s not a rant. A rant’s a bombastic diatribe, with extravagant language and stuff like LOTS OF YELLING!!! And vitriol. I was being very calm in laying out the reasons why the series is becoming such a failure. You just want to dismiss my complaints as just entitled fanboy whining because it’s easier than admitting

Oh fuck on off. Posting a set of legitimate grievances is not a rant. And someone being angry does not invalidate their opinion.

No offense, but the whole “it’s about growing” point is undercut by Game Freak’s lack of real growth. The series’s stories aren’t very good and haven’t gotten that much better. The mechanics didn’t really improve much beyond “Hey what if we did two on two” with everything else being gimmicks that make stuff a bit more

*Insert angry rant about not being able to bring every single pokemon into Sword and Shield*

This happened to every early form of new art media.

This is just normal though. Nobody thought games were worth preserving, and before persistent internet there was no place safe to put them all. Most game companies that have been around before 2000 have lots of ‘lost’ games, and if they’re really f@#$ing lucky some employee still has a copy of the source code completel

Not getting the actor’s likeness rights is going to hurt. People have been watching these characters for a decade now. They know what they look like. Stylized would have been a better choice than realistic without those likeness rights.

It makes no sense to get upset over imagery in a work of fiction until you know in what context the imagery is being used. Also, a depiction of a fictionalized world is likely to contain portrayals of real bigotry, especially one set in this universe, so it’s not appropriate to assume that just because bigotry is

...but Legends of tommorrow and Agents of Shield are low budget but enjoyable and fun! wheras the high budget Man of Steel was terrible so , maybe that’s not the best comparison to make..

The reveal of Elsa Bloodstone really got my attention, that’s quite a welcome left field pick.

It’s just a disappointing decision. Pokemon is literally the biggest entertainment franchise in all of media. Every entry sells millions of copies, many over 10 million copies. It’s not like GameFreak is spending dev time working on amazing graphics, or massive open worlds, or complex physics and interactions, or

That’s a very weird shift. Given the right hardware and games, you could feasibly bring a pokemon that you’ve raised since the GBA games (Or 3ds eshop of gen 1 and 2 if you’re feeling spicy)

Jason can you use your journalist magic materia to convince SE to idk, give us feeble peasants a demo for the PS Plus? Please...? PLEASE..

I feel like they are maybe doing too much. In all the clamouring for a FF7 remake I don’t think anyone was asking for two Blu Rays discs to get through Midgar. At this rate how many games / hours is it going to take to get through the entirety of the story? Would it not have made more sense to do a straight remake

Oh good, they kept my Cloud an asshole in the early parts of FF7.

This “Episodic series” will never be finished.  Bet.  

Good shit, man. It's probably nothing, but I'd like to see MS and Nintendo collab more often, since they're both great at things the other is kind of bad at.

You may be in the minority on this one, unfortunately. 

Legitimately everybody who has ever been on a Nintendo console who I have ever wanted in Smash is here.

Honestly? Good. I understand it’s a classic, popular fighting game, but it’s time to freshen up that scene, and for every person there was that loved melee, there seemed to be just as many who were pissed and tired that a 15+ year old game kept getting the main stage attention at Evo instead of newer titles, and