Hope your baby is ok. The NICU nurses and doctors are the greatest humans on earth.
Hope your baby is ok. The NICU nurses and doctors are the greatest humans on earth.
Yes they can! They can put it into an irrevocable trust. If if they’re feeling charitable, a GRAT.
CNN had a great answer as to why they were there. They noticed the grand jury was called in on Thursday (they usually aren’t), and last time that happened someone big got arrested. So with that gut feeling they had crews camped out at numerous targets last night.
Flights cannot depart, and are thus “halted”. Flights in the air must land, at some point, and are doing so on a delayed basis.
But you have tried! They’ll remember that, and make fun of you sucking at it, but they’ll know how you tried and care.
I think the unusual thing is that it is a rarity in broadcasting. I’d agree it should be commonplace, but yet it isn’t.
Some car seats take up an unfathomable amount of space. My 5 year old squeezes into my A6 with his car seat.
I never knew why they were called whippets! We got the William Sonoma brand ones in college, I guess.
My son’s preschool is in a church and they are super chill about it. Accept everyone of all faiths, say poems not prayers before meals. My favorite one:
As a pens fan (boomerang resident of PGH), I am so glad Ovi finally won a cup. I’m annoyed we didn’t win 3 in a row, but the dude is a beast. And 10 out of 10 times I’d rather party with Ovi versus Crosby. The dude gets at it!
I’m not sure whoever did this would drive a car titled “Hombre”. Wild speculation on my part but I’d bet a coffee it’s a domestic truck.
+1 penicillin
I don’t agree, only because if he were finishing a book surely he’d have carved out a day for the Williams Sonoma holiday shredding. Considering how much joy it brings the world, surely it must bring him some joy to write?
Yeah I probably would
That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Half the reason people hang up their own shingle is to create something for future generations.
Or they’d have to borrow against the team as collateral to settle the tax liability.
But once the old man met the requirement, he didn’t want his kids to fuck it up. I work in the UHNW space and I see these types of requirements (academic and professional experience) all the time. An advanced degree from a top rated university is not a guarantee of success, but it’s an indication that they’re unlikely…
Go every year for your “annual check up”. They weigh you, blood pressure, heart beat. Ask how everything is. Compare mole size versus the previous year. Think of your body like a car. You still get it inspected every year even if it’s running fine.
+1 missed opportunity
Damn. Drew, if you see this, know that you’re the man. One of my favorite writers. Your wordplay, quirk and truth are welcome and needed in this world.