Live Like Luria, Kare Kause of Kraft

That's a Euro step- Brexit style.

It’s always fun to dunk on America’s Wang, which has far more than its fair share of problems, but I don’t really see how a legally-mandated recount triggered by a minuscule gap between candidates is an example of it being “the absolute worst when it comes to things like ‘democracy’ and ‘being able to do a single

[extremely deadspin lawyer commenter voice] Actually mayhem is disfigurement, regardless of specific intent.

Remember HR exists to protect the company, not the employees.

Watching football is a celebration of laziness. You sit. You eat. You drink. You yell when the big strong fast guys aren’t big or strong or fast enough for your liking.

That still frame is cool as hell.

They are both weird penises

So are you from Jersey or Eastern Europe?

“The Philadelphia 76ers look like they’ll be one of two halfway decent teams in the Eastern Conference next year—and, like the Celtics, they are stocked with a whole bunch of young dudes who look like they’ll be able to keep the team good for a while.

This may be the thing that sends me to the greys, but mocking a person’s name (particularly by making it out to be cartoonish) seems like a bad look—particularly for a publication and an author who make rather a business of calling out ethnocentric behavior in others.

Mock the President and current power structures all

Ah yes, the Facebook clause. 29 United States Code Section 438(a)(4)(F)(iii) - if you can’t find the child’s birth certificate, a facebook, instagram, snapchat will be deemed an acceptable substitute unless such facebook, instagram, or snapchat post has filters with dog ears that block more than 40% of the subject’s

Why wasn’t Deadspin (and specifically, you Diana) able to find Ms. Ennis’ incident from 2011? Don’t you do simple searches of the people you write about before publishing?

leave them alone in the dirt

yeah, no. Innocent until PROVEN GUILTY. The proof lies with the accuser. Everyone is 100% innocent until the state proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty. Kind of a big deal. You know, what our entire legal system is built on.

I really like his ideas, but I’d like this entire sentence clarified

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. That is 4 days.

You can blow the whistle to be safe every time something is looks close, but I don’t think that makes anything better. If they blow that play dead and after review it was a clean block, whatever team grabbed the ball after the block is pissed you robbed them of a transition opportunity.

I know popular sentiment might be with Ovechkin finally winning one but you have to remember he’s an unreserved Putin supporter. Sidney Crosby on the other hand, a true Canadian patriot, has almost certainly never voted so as not to offend anyone.

As a Spurs fan I am fine with Kawhi not playing and making sure he is healthy so he can get paid but it feels like he is not exactly handling the situation very well. It is hard to know because he pretty much never says anything but I would at least want someone who is supposed to be one of the leaders of the team to