Wasn’t there a cartoon on here a month or two ago about labeling free-market fetishists as market fundamentalists? I like that, it’s a dead simple rebuttle. Shouldn’t the business be free to charge whatever they want? Market fundamentalist!
Wasn’t there a cartoon on here a month or two ago about labeling free-market fetishists as market fundamentalists? I like that, it’s a dead simple rebuttle. Shouldn’t the business be free to charge whatever they want? Market fundamentalist!
Man, I’m just glad America became a post racial society in 2008. Can you imagine how many Nazis there’d be if America still had race problems?
Oh man, now she’s never gonna get a job as an NFL quarterback.
I do. But so many guns in the hands of so many people (handguns and assault rifles) changes the way people see the world. A common narrative justifying why people buy guns boils down to they’re the good guys, and when the moment comes, they will be prepared to fight the bad guys. The bad guys though, are poor people,…
I think it’s worth keeping in mind that slippery slopes work in both directions, so usually they aren’t really an argument for or against anything. E.g., “Saying anyone should be able to buy guns is a slippery slope to letting criminals in prison have guns.” Slippery slope arguments are an indirect reminder of the…
I was on a plane when I saw Inside Out for the first time, two weeks before I broke things off with my wife of 7 years/high school sweetheart, and with ten minutes left, I had to slide out of my seat and hurry to the bathroom to open mouth sob.
No, it really really is not.
That comes up a lot, and I’m definitely sympathetic to the argument and how short NFL players’ careers are, but I think a year off might actually be good for these guys. I mean, one of the reasons their careers are so short is because they’re always beat to hell, playing through injuries, etc. It seems plausible that…
I believe the answer is because it’s a completely separate conversation, more rooted in issues of poverty and gun control. People do talk about it, but not at the same time.
You prefer a system where if you fail to put your hands on the wheel, it just turns off autopilot, even though your hands aren’t on the wheel?
Oh man, I loved Baseball Stars 2 as a kid, but I’ve played literally thousands of games (seasons and stat leaderboards in a NES game!) as an adult.
You are citing a term paper from an undergraduate written roughly ten years ago that itself does not include a citation for those numbers. That is not a reliable source.
Obviously, who cares what I say (the plural of anecdote isn’t data), but I’m a Jays fan who was watching the game with four other Jays fans, and all five of us said “Fuck that guy. His whole section should point him out to security.”
Who would’ve thought that punching a Latin immigrant in the face for not acting like a proper American would make someone a hero in Texas?
I think when we claim that a large scale response to a health scare that never became a full blown epidemic is crying wolf, we’re neglecting the fact that that is exactly the point of a large scale response to a health scare. To stop the spread. And we’re actually fairly good at it (e.g., SARS, H1N1, most things until…
I understand your point, but if there is any point to consuming sports at all, isn’t it that the performance and our enjoyment of it is ours? If Steph Curry had’ve hurt his knee worse than he did, I definitely would’ve felt robbed of something missing him in the playoffs after a transcendent season. We can dislike…
That’s the thing though, is it wasn’t on “why” you enjoy watching other sports. You said it’s a TV nightmare. If you had’ve said what you think is different about it that makes you feel differently about it compared to other sports, I don’t think you would’ve gotten that response. I assume from your HOT TAEK comment…
I look forward to seeing your better version. Or anything you’ve done that is so great that people on the internet can’t casually complain about it. Please post links so we can all see understand why you’re qualified to discourage strangers from doing interesting things.
He means in America