Live Like Luria, Kare Kause of Kraft

Totally agree. I’m a Canadian who works with a lot of Americans (and am half-American myself), and I can’t believe that a country full of people that has a shattering collective orgasm every time anybody says the word ‘liberty’ thinks that random drug testing makes any kind of sense. I even saw a sign in a California

Maybe him being labelled a superstar was the problem. Maybe he is just an all-star caliber player who had a couple of really good years, and because of that and his shoulders, we rushed to label him something he wasn’t. Like Chris Bosh. I’m a Toronto fan, and I like Chris Bosh a lot, but he’s also high on my personal

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He’s Canadian, he’ll be okay. When people don’t have guns, they just hit each other when they get uncontrollably angry.


I’m a man, and I like sex. It would be highly unusual if I wasn’t interested in procuring sex. Sex is natural, and an important part of biological life, and there’s nothing wrong with sex. I’m a decent looking guy, friendly, intelligent, so I have more than enough sex to satisfy me, but I sure wouldn’t mind more. So