
I may or may not have a problem with ambiguity. :-p

Clarification: "No one", in this case, referred to the production team, cast, crew, producers, etc. The people surrounding Lynch, in short.

Yep, hence the use of the word "theory".

I want to like it so much, but it's getting harder and harder.

Lisa: Maybe there is no moral, Mom.
Homer: Exactly! It's just a bunch of stuff that happened.
Marge: But it certainly was a memorable few days.
Homer: Amen to that.
[the whole family laughs]

I've got a fan theory.

Dang I had forgotten about that.

Also see: the first Ace Ventura, and most of the things from before 2010-ish.

Ticket sales ain't nothin' but a number

Everybody knows he's a motherfucking Bob.

All good.

The joke I'm attempting here is misdirection: first the reader thinks I'm talking about Patti, but the reveal is that I'm talking about Jimmy.

I'm straight but I'd tap dat ass.

FAXED statement!? Lousy hipsters.

Or *not* come to

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Is it possible that MOANS, deep down, is kinda bored by her good-guy husband?


I'm glad they went with the "stuttering dolphin"-type hook. You barely get to hear any of those nowadays.

Must be a lot of pressure. Hannibal Duress.