
When I used to make less than $24k (living in a big city) I used to get my BC for free from Planned Parenthood... But I also remember going to Planned Parenthood in my home city (much smaller) and constant needing to pass right-to-lifers to get inside - and I'm in the Northeast!


Hospitals make medical treatment too easy and fail to address the real causes of injury and sickness (reckless behavior, unhealthy lifestyle, unwitting exposure to chemical or biological hazards, bad luck, etc.)

Fire departments make things too easy and fail to address the real reasons buildings burn (inadequate building codes, failure to adhere to existing codes, etc.)

Because nirvana fallacy.

*nods* Because this hypothetical desperate mother didn't suddenly trip into need the minute she gave. She needed help before that.

As a native Hoosier, I have just one problem with this: These boxes probably wouldn't be necessary if the state didn't so heavily regulate women's reproductive healthcare choices.

Maybe when you close the box it'll print out a receipt.

I don't really see the problem with that first one. If your friend's boyfriend had anonymously left the baby in one of these boxes, presumably she'd file a police report and they'd make the connection. She might have to do something to prove the baby was hers (a DNA test or whatever) but it's not like it would be that

The problem with the point of view of the organizations that are wary of the boxes, bothers me. It assumes that these women would actually want to keep their babies in better circumstances. Someone could pay me a million bucks and I would never want to raise a kid. Im just always suspicious of the assumtion that 'of


Presumably most of these will be babies from women who concealed their pregnancies and gave birth at home unassisted.

I'm from Indiana. Your criticisms are valid. But in my hometown alone 2 babies were found dead in dumpsters when I was growing up. If it's a problem then give the babies a chance to live, even if it is an empty sexist gesture by anti choice bigots. Austin has "safe baby" havens as well, where babies can be abandoned

Even if we solved all that ails society up to and including our lack of flying pigs, babies would still be abandoned. Probably in much lower numbers, but it will still happen.

Stop! You're making too much sense!

so many jokes but I'm gonna try to be serious about this one

I do say I love your username. boxes and hatches make abandoning a newborn too easy and fail to address the reasons that parents choose to abandon a baby (poverty, medical problems, isolation, etc.)

I remember this continues to be a huge problem in South Korea. In South Korea, all births must be registered by the government, and the stricter international adoption laws prevent people from sending their children to an orphanage for the sole purpose of being sent abroad. A recent law has stated that international

Is this a new Jezebel thing? Two writers post the same story, and go head-to-head for clicks/comments?