
You clearly have never been to San Francisco and haven’t an idea what you are talking about. You are comparing apples to fucking shoes. Nice faux news talking points though. 

Hahahahahahaaha to correlate the demolition of the Embarcadero Freeway with the recently increased filth in SF is just wrong.

The idea is to re-route 81 around the city. They’re not putting at grade crossings through an interstate.

Yes, adding a 100 horsepower motor to a 755 horsepower motor will result in an 855 horsepower engine.

I was tempted to give it the benefit of the doubt because I once got a blowjob in the parking lot of the Rooster T Feathers comedy club, but then I realized Rooster T Feathers is in Sunnyvale, not Santa Clara.

Holy fuck! It’s way worse than I thought. He lost most of his legs and torso too!

Suicide. Is there a shortcut this guy won’t take?

Would have taken you less time to just go fuck yourself instead of writing all these replies, but I sure do appreciate you letting us all know you’re an idiot.  

“What’s an F5 poop tornado like?”

well while being different actraiser 2 is technically a masterpiece for the snes. the quality of those sprite and background is astonishing. my main issue with both game is the re-beat all bosses to see the final boss. meaning i would reach the end game and get stuck.

You’ve made one friend since moving to LA. Also you call anyone who doubts you were an NFL player 10 years ago “racist”. I have a strong suspicion these two things may be related. 

I completely agree. For example, I was raised with two parents in the home and I continue to be a gigantic piece of shit.

Here’s a thing about this guy: fuck this guy

I see now it's women's fault he's an asshole

So you are pro-cameras-in-public-restrooms or am I missing your point?

It 100% ended because he blew his nose at the wrong time. Joe Rogan called it when doctors were looking at him, and Cerrones even admitted it during post-fight interview.

Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.

That’s what I could find in my area...

wasn’t aware that Halo was based off actual military combat.

Lol. “Oh, your pap smear shows abnormal cell growth? LET ME FIX THAT WITH THE HEALING POWER OF MY DICK.”