
We must stop thinking collectively and like a tribe and start thinking as individuals first and foremost! One we understand that we are all individuals, many with the same wants, needs, and desires, we can more readily form lasting bonds, partnerships, and communities that SUPPORT one another’s strengths and limit

Its sucks for me, so we need to make it suck for everyone. Solid.

The rear drop wheels also provide steering. If they only carried their own weight the steering input would be ineffective. The truck scales along the highway also measure axial loads in addition to gross vehicle weight. Bridge tolls are paid based upon the number of axles regardless if they are touching the ground or

Is this “a way to” or the “only one way to”?

The higher proof stands up better flavor wise to the rather large amount of fruit juice in this cocktail. 

$1,300 for a sleeper that’s usable for maybe 7 months. Solid recommendation.

$1,300 for a sleeper that’s usable for maybe 7 months. Solid recommendation.

You: I don’t go to games

Yeah we don’t have rules and regulations for how to ride a bicycles on roads, or hold people accountable when they injure someone else on a bike. Nope, none of those things exist.

Article about people getting life changing injuries from foul balls

Yeah, lets listen to the shit lord who doesn’t go to games about how we should set up stadiums. If it doesn’t affect you why do you give a shit?

I don’t go to sports so I don’t care, but nets are dumb.

He’s the 17th angle, the soul of the seed of life from Adam. He’s not a human. 

So a compact back packing stove, but a full on 45l cooler?

So a compact back packing stove, but a full on 45l cooler?

3) Make him a dog.

One of the best times to lather up a toddler is when they’re strapped into the car seat or stroller.

To keep the wild lings out.

Nice that at no point are signals used. Hey everybody, figure it out!

San Jose is many things, part of SoCal isn’t one of them.

Underrated comment.

That’s not how this works, that not how any of this works.