
We are stuck with 91 octane ever since CA banned the additive MTBE, which caused ground water contamination. We don’t want to go back to the old aromatic octane enhancers because those polluted the air more reaadily during fill-up time and just from plain evaporation into the air. And we don’t want to move wholesale

i can’t even be mad. i clicked into this article. i read it. i did this to me.

I hate this ending to the point where I don’t want to play the game anymore. It isn’t even that I need a ‘good’ ending where everyone lives merrily ever after, but I do need an ending that is a logical result of the gameplay itself.

The entire ending is hot garbage that fits the entire remit of the game’s attempt at narrative which is appearing to have something to say without saying anything at all. Throughout the entire game it constantly references political issues and names but then drops them before using them as anything but a cheap


What you’re seeing in the video is NOT a true representation of what is visible with the human eye.

Dash cams have utterly terrible low light capability.

I’ve slowed for and avoided many small animals at night that move faster than this large individual and bicycle.

If it can’t detect beyond 20ft at 45mph, it shouldn’t be going 45mph 🤷🏻‍♂️

The video and your eyes are two different things. Anyone who uses a dashcam at night and reviews footage would know that your eyes see much better then the dashcam.

Yes, they can sue you if you put a Dominos trademark on a car, then film monetized Youtube videos with it.

The linked article calls it Americas Rallycross (Bolding mine), not American, which would seem to include Canada, though not the UK.

How do they feel about “Pulse of the Maggots?” or “Raining Blood?”


“I’m going to look at memes on my phone now because killing time that way sounds better than small chat with you.”

Thanks =)

First Lt Yar, now our tires!!

Is there a reason the article left out the fact that Gerber Life will not offer coverage for a baby with DS? Gerber should get the gold medal for their mental gymnastics performance in picking this baby as the new face of Gerber for a year without even bringing up the fact that company policy states the child can’t

Looking at that livery, I’m not at ALL surprised.

I’m not sure why I need to pass judgement on the Tom Brady video. Speaking as a Dad of a 9y/o boy, I love it when he gives me a spontaneous hug or a kiss. I know he’s going to turn into an asshole when he’s a teenager, so I’m enjoying the hugs and kisses all I can.

You realize the person you say you “agree” with called you a jackhole before you even posted right?

You’re a garbage person only interested in revenge and not justice.