Passing on the right is neither illegal or uncommon in my state.
Passing on the right is neither illegal or uncommon in my state.
People with prison rape fantasies are part of the sex abuse problem.
So if Nassar had been raping men, you would support him raping more men in prison, as long as those men had already committed a heinous crime?
“the justice system is great except for people I don’t like” is a pretty awful opinion.
I disagree. He’s a loathsome individual but a justice system built on vengeance is no justice system at all.
so, its like LOST PLANET 2 ...
Sorry, I’m going to continue stacking plates wherever there’s too much plate and too little table.
The story reads to me like a groupie dissatisfied she was treated like a groupie.
...why does it have side mirrors? So you can see the impending fuck-up and not be able to do anything about it?
You’re not an expert. You’re lot even a novice. I’m not sure if you’re clueless or trolling, and I hate to bring this comment out of the grays, but:
We have 6.4 hours of sunlight a day on average and it rarely gets below -12 Celsius, that’s 10 degrees Fahrenheit!! TAKE THAT SAN JOSE!!
As for temperatures, Braun’s home city of Minneapolis is much the same as Winnipeg.
Not defending her, but there are a lot of cars now that don’t have gas caps... so maybe?
Pretty sure this isn’t how direct injection works
Lakewood Mayor, Don Anderson, had issued a warning earlier this month about the high-speed trains and their proximity to cars and pedestrians. Lakewood is one of the towns that the new track travels through.
what is the point of your comment? this is the grossest form of hijacking i’ve seen on kinja. congrats.
Not quite. His concern was regarding putting high(er)-speed rail through a busy city (Lakewood) on a track normally used by lower-speed lightrail (Sound Transit). Amtrak trains flying through town at 80 mph obviously poses a risk to pedestrian and/or vehicle strikes at city crossings. This accident appears to be a…
The difference between empty and a fully loaded passenger train would be negligible from a track integrity standpoint.